It's called fashion

By anonymous - 04/05/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, I went into work to set up a new store. There was a lot of lifting so I dressed casual. This happened to be the day the owner brought in his conservative family to check out the store. I was wearing a shirt that says "Everyone Poops" and has a donkey and elephant pooping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 437
You deserved it 60 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KwitIt 0

I mean, I understand wanting to dress casual... but isn't there kind of a line somewhere between casual and inappropriate?

Why would you even buy a t-shirt like that?


fmlfmlfml15 0

dude YDI for even buying that shirt let alone wearing it to work. That's not a "casual" shirt, it's a "i'm wearing this because i'm a total douchebag" shirt.

rixbury 0

HAHA, That's awesome. and all you above hater's, get a sense of humor. f'reals. That is pretty funny.

I don't see why that's so're saying that democrats are just as full of crap as republicans. if it was just an elephant, then I could see a problem. I agree though that it's not appropriate for work you may have to deal with all sorts of people who will get offended by pretty much anything.

annieannie 0

Ahhhhh!! I want a shirt like that so bad now!!!!

I can't believe you own a shirt like that...

OMG! I have that shirt on right now!!

BenitoPapito 0

cry more please...its equally attacking both parties, this isnt worthy of being on the site. pls moderate better people

ahh, #13, with the link to show us I get it now, the family is all Conservative, and the OP's t-shirt was all Conservatives are full of shit just like Republicans.... OP - chill out, not and FML or a YDI, the shirt doesn't even say 'shit' and it's not explicit. It's not like it's a shirt from t-shirt hell or somewhere that aims to offend....