Dutch courage

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going to propose. Since he was really nervous, he decided to have a couple of drinks to loosen up. He ended up throwing up and passing out before he could get down on one knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 812
You deserved it 5 010

Top comments

how did you know he was going to propose if he didn't get around to it...

nammz 0

so...did you say yes or no?


wowfmlife 0

#46, FTW means 'for the win'

#48 That is the case for 99% of all FMLs regardless of the poster's gender. By definition an FML is a very single sided method of story telling. It's not "eff this guy over here's life" it's "eff my life." You have to tell the story from your point of view. Apparently you are just sensitive to the female ones because you sympathize with the males involved. Look again.

That sucks... i feel bad for the poor guy. just go to him and tell him not to be nervous, because you love him and would say yes anyway. that's the best/most romantic thing you can do for him, and it would be extremely sweet. he didnt MEAN to do something wrong, he was just really nervous, showing he's scared of losing you.

cripples_09 0

I wanna know how you knew he was going to propose if he passed out before he asked you??? Sounds like your leaving part of the story

#40 - How could you be close enough to be serious about proposing and yet your gf doesn't know it is coming?

meddude 0

people are assholes. the dude was nervous and needed to loosen up. and everyone knows you can easily overdo something when your mind's focusing on something else. so take that big rod out of your ass and grab some compassion. aisle 12. next to the booze.

I have a tough test coming up. Oh i know, I'll loosen up by getting drunk. I have to get married tomorrow. Oh, i know, ill loosen up by getting drunk. I want to have fun, but cant because im uninteresting and stupid. Oh i know, ill loosen up by getting drunk.

if you really love him, then this will just be a funny story to tell people. i as well as Im sure a lot of other people have had one too many before