Dutch courage

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going to propose. Since he was really nervous, he decided to have a couple of drinks to loosen up. He ended up throwing up and passing out before he could get down on one knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 812
You deserved it 5 010

Top comments

how did you know he was going to propose if he didn't get around to it...

nammz 0

so...did you say yes or no?


may_cause_fail 0

I'd say he picked a bad way to soothe his nerves. :3

Awwww poor guy. But don't worry, its not the end of the world, another great opportunity for a proposal will present itself, and years later you'll have a hilarious story to tell the children.

if your bf has to get drunk to purpose, he doesnt love you

my first comment got moderated :( all I said was that she should quit her bitching and that she will soon be engaged.....I may have also said something about how this was a waste of good FML space......perhaps thats why I got moderated.....hmmm

fmlfmlfml15 0

what does FTW mean? im trying to get used to acronyms. and #11 and #12 was that supposed to be funny? or are you trying to explain that its really a FHL? at least #13 was a little funny

a lot of guys are obvious when they're about to propose, aside from the fact that for some people it isn't a surprise and they both have talked about it and gone ring shopping together also, my life is like the flip of this, i was sick from food poisoning and my then boyfriend tried to propose to me that night, lol, it totally sucks but its kinda hilarious after the fact.

Women are so over-dramatic which is why guys have trouble with confidence around women because they don't wanna open Pandora's box through a Freudian Slip or some other means of stupidity. This is only evidence of women being over-dramatic because this is not an "Eff your life", it's an "Eff his life". I've seen so many females posting here about crap that they think is just the worst on them but they don't think about anyone else involved.

girl that sucks. I feel so bad for you. Next time i hope he doesnt get drunk

I wouldn't marry any guy who passes out after just a couple of drinks