Dutch courage

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going to propose. Since he was really nervous, he decided to have a couple of drinks to loosen up. He ended up throwing up and passing out before he could get down on one knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 812
You deserved it 5 010

Top comments

how did you know he was going to propose if he didn't get around to it...

nammz 0

so...did you say yes or no?


aw that sucks :/ sorry to hear that. and F the people who sudmitted ''YDI'' how can this be her fault?

#1 quit your "first"ing......what a waste of comment space. And #13 > #11

hahahahahahahaha #24 your comment is funnier than the actual FML. "first-ing" hehehehehe :)

It'd only be an FML (or FHL, we really need an FHL option) if you lost all respect for him after that, and said 'no' when/if he tried again.

"A couple of drinks"? Your fiance really can't handle his liquor. But congrats on the engagement anyway!

effliffe 0

he should be the one writing an fml. poor guy

blondebabycakes 0

I feel sorry for the guy. He'll get to it eventually!