Dutch courage

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going to propose. Since he was really nervous, he decided to have a couple of drinks to loosen up. He ended up throwing up and passing out before he could get down on one knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 812
You deserved it 5 010

Top comments

how did you know he was going to propose if he didn't get around to it...

nammz 0

so...did you say yes or no?


ozac 0

How many drinks did he have? I know that when I have a couple drinks, I'm not throwing up and passing out. Besides, if he never proposed, how did you know he was going to? Unless you're psychic and can predict the future, fake FML imo.

Clearly NOT a FML. Poor guy was trying his best. he's a keeper. For you writing this...FAIL man

aw, poor guy. seriously, he must have been really nervous.

YDI for staying in a relationship with a guy with an obvious drinking problem. Get out before it's too late, unless you *want* an unhappy future.

grazynaanka 0

Ok I'm sorry but this isn't that big of a deal. Proposing to someone is a very big deal. It's one of the most nerve racking things a guy could do. Give him a break.

#66 you are right - it is nerve racking - but getting sooo wasted you can't even get down on one knee - that is just irresponsible and does not show this woman that you are going to take care of her the rest of her life.

i'm sorry about that, but that is pretty funny at the same time XD it'll be a good story for the kids!

propelks09 0

lol maybe it was best that he didn't propose to you while he was trashed. not exactly how i picture being proposed to

tdawgheath 0

how......? did you know he was going to propose? and...how is this an FML if he obviously proposed anyway cuz you obviously got the proposal eventually...