Tonight, on First Dates…

By dumper - 05/11/2009 06:41 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to go on a first date with this guy I had a crush on for months. It was such a big deal for me cause it was my first date ever. The first thing he says when we met was, "I have to take a dump." I sat by myself for 10 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 221
You deserved it 5 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since it's your first date ever, here's something you should know about guys: Sometimes, they have to poo. Even when they're on a date. It's not their fault, it's just the way their bodies work.

You do not want. Trust me I know these kinds of people.


supertriton 0

How planned was this date? Sure sure, it's a cardinal rule; ALWAYS handle your business before you try to go out and express yourself. But C'mon, really? Give the guy some credit, maybe he ate a burrito and it wasn't sitting well. Would you rather him just be farting the whole time, or keeling over to handle his crazy bad gas? I'm thinking no. Granted, more suave timing and words have been used in introducing the idea that you might need to branch off for a few and take care of what's yours, but at least he wanted to be able to focus on you, and not mad abdominal/intestinal pains. Imagine his FML post: "I was pretty bummed today, because I got this babe to spend some time with me, but some bad timing/meal-planning/turbulence/whatever was jacking up my stomach's life when we met up. I didn't want to stain my expensive pants, expose her to anything unpleasant, or feel distracted from her babe'n face, so I confidently let her know what was up, and handled it. It took a while, and now I'm pretty sure she just thinks I'm a nasty poop monster. FML."

Relentless113 0

a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do

LOL dude at least he didnt ditch u. he had to poop! not nearly as bad as if he got thr said he had to poop and climbed out the bathroom window. just be glad he came back.

bugmenotmofo 34

Am I the first to notice that OP's nickname is dumper? *IRONY*

Amphysvena 11

actually, this is not irony. her name was entirely intentional. there is no irony here at all.

cheetahboo2010 5

Hold on. I was considering commenting on this, but then realized I have to take a poop, xDD

mydear 0

im a lesbian and i don't poop Njtorres

So I figure It's nothing but infatuation then? You picture the one you're infatuated with to be perfect in every way, which means they don't need to use the bathroom. You'll be happier if you didn't flip shit (lulz) over little things.

quackquackquac 0

I don't get why guys have to announce that they need to take a dump... seriously, I've heard that twice today! I don't want to know when you have to take a dump. really!

Relentless113 0

there are good guys out there I swear