Tonight, on First Dates…

By dumper - 05/11/2009 06:41 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to go on a first date with this guy I had a crush on for months. It was such a big deal for me cause it was my first date ever. The first thing he says when we met was, "I have to take a dump." I sat by myself for 10 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 222
You deserved it 5 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since it's your first date ever, here's something you should know about guys: Sometimes, they have to poo. Even when they're on a date. It's not their fault, it's just the way their bodies work.

You do not want. Trust me I know these kinds of people.


MasterConan 0 least it wasn't 20 minutes? lmao.

It have always been shocked at the numbet of girls I've met that have never been on a 'real date', even girls that have been in several or a long time relationship(s). Guys, come on, this is an easy in. Have some class. It doesn't have to be anything too fancy. I mean dress nice and take her to a movie and dinner, or whatever and you're golden.

gammielikeoh 0

maybe he was taking his time in the bathroom, putting on his male-makeup for you. btw, I'm seriously being sarcastic. you deserved it in some way or another.

Aww I'm sorry op, did your over dramatic fantasy not play out? Poor you... Smh...

FuhrerBurg 11

Get over yourself. Stop you had to sit there for ten minutes. I hope to heck that it did not completely ruin your night. Little baby

don't get mad at me but it's not cause it's because. Sorry, I just can't stand cuz or cause. And you should definitely dump him. O.O