By keiran123 - 27/06/2013 23:15 - United States - Welsh

Today, on my first day at my new job delivering pizzas, I got bit by a guy dressed as Dracula. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 280
You deserved it 3 331

Same thing different taste


Woah, you better get that checked out! Hurry before you fall in love with a plain-looking, disturbed teenaged girl... or hepatitis.

OP... That is still a better love story than Twilight. I think he may just be your long lost dark soulmate. Surprise him next time with a terrifying bite of your own or create rotting flesh effects for zombies. Warm bodies are allowed to love and be loved in return. :P

All the bad things, such as being bitten and morbidly obese people in their underwear, shall be balanced by all the drunken party invites and the hotties.

I guess he was craving for something else other than pizza

hilamonster06 21

Let me guess. He is 40 and still lives with his parents.

If you start to crave human blood and start having a mental breakdown, that's ok, but if at any point you find yourself sparkling and wanting to seduce 17 year old high school girls, just end it.

Haha that is funny. But that is really creepy, being bitten by some random creep-o guy.

Is it Halloween already? He's pretty serious if you throw bite me at him..better than some devil pitch forking you....

nela25 23

At least we all know he won't order garlic on his pizza.

onorexveritas 23

let's hope you don't do the same now