By S12Sophia - 02/05/2012 22:06 - France

Today, my boyfriend and I were making love for the first time, when out of nowhere my cat meowed from the doorway. My boyfriend sighed, pulled out, and exasperatedly called me a selfish bitch for not having put my cat outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 040
You deserved it 5 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Airman1988 9

If that's all it takes to break his concentration he has a lot of disappointment heading his way for the future, what an ass

Pretty sure thats what you call "pussy problems".


Put it outside, and he'll put it inside..

Yeah...he is a douchebag. But, I'll bet next time you will put the cat outside

Not like there should be a next time if he is such a dick that he thinks that leaving the cat inside warrants calling her a selfish bitch.

That sucks it's not your fault though

Dumphimdumphimdumphimdumphim. Seriously, calling you a selfish bitch because YOU DIDN'T PUT THE CAT OUT? What a douche!

You should have grabbed the cat, kissed it and say how much it's a better person

Herculesninja27 5

"Hi. I'm a red flag. Nice to meet you. Oh, by the way, DUMP HIS ASS!!!"