By S12Sophia - 02/05/2012 22:06 - France

Today, my boyfriend and I were making love for the first time, when out of nowhere my cat meowed from the doorway. My boyfriend sighed, pulled out, and exasperatedly called me a selfish bitch for not having put my cat outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 040
You deserved it 5 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Airman1988 9

If that's all it takes to break his concentration he has a lot of disappointment heading his way for the future, what an ass

Pretty sure thats what you call "pussy problems".


The dude is so self-centered he didn't even realise he had a threesome going on. He had two *******. If he can't live up to that, then he needs to be put out of his misery.

TheBonzaiGirl 0

Cat, "you neuter me, I will ruin your sec muhahahahah!"

He's an idiot. Any man that calls a woman a bitch needs to go get ****** in the ass.

34: Sometimes women (and men) act like bitches, and deserve to be called out on it. Of course, there's no evidence that's the case for the OP. There's a time and a place to call someone "bitch".

If he's acting that much of a jerk about it maybes he's not worth it! X

My husband wouldn't stop if we were having a natural disaster.....

mttemple 9

dude couldn't just ignore it and continue? ;p

I find it interesting that most of the comments agree the boyfriend is a douche, but, at the time of posting, there are 3 YDIs for every FYL.

Ok, good the voting seems to have straightened out.

Wow OP that is ridiculous, find a real man! There is an obvious reason why it is called "making love" and surely he has issues if he is going to ruin your first time together by calling you a bitch! Such a trivial issue does not warrant such a response, sounds quite immature! I mean did he have to concentrate that much that cat's meow flustered him? Really might wanna rethink this guy!!!!

HeatherAS77 10