By S12Sophia - 02/05/2012 22:06 - France

Today, my boyfriend and I were making love for the first time, when out of nowhere my cat meowed from the doorway. My boyfriend sighed, pulled out, and exasperatedly called me a selfish bitch for not having put my cat outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 040
You deserved it 5 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Airman1988 9

If that's all it takes to break his concentration he has a lot of disappointment heading his way for the future, what an ass

Pretty sure thats what you call "pussy problems".


And then you broke up with him. Let's hope at least.

watsonpsykosis 10

If any guy ever calls you a bitch, he will only get worse in the future (possibly abuse). Dump his ass, that's not the type of guy you want to be with.

Sounds like there may have been three different kinds of pussy in that room...

Don't have sex again till he mans up and gets over it

036114life 0

That's ****** up I've had made love with my boyfriend with a dog in the room am staring at us what a jerk!

Fool busted early nd seen his excuse to pull out

reldnahceus 8