By S12Sophia - 02/05/2012 22:06 - France

Today, my boyfriend and I were making love for the first time, when out of nowhere my cat meowed from the doorway. My boyfriend sighed, pulled out, and exasperatedly called me a selfish bitch for not having put my cat outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 040
You deserved it 5 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Airman1988 9

If that's all it takes to break his concentration he has a lot of disappointment heading his way for the future, what an ass

Pretty sure thats what you call "pussy problems".


Iknoweverything 29

I'm going to go against the whole "break up with him" trend and say YDI. The least you could have done is shut the ******* door so that the cat wasn't a problem. (I presume it was, since the cat meowed from the doorway.) There is nothing worse than having sex, and getting interrupted by a goddamn animal. Get over yourself, quit being a selfish bitch, and put the ******* animal outside. (Anyone who hates this comment has never endured the horror of house-pets interrupting sex.)

Yes, let's put the cat outside, where it can be hurt by other animals, hit by cars, get lost, etc. OP's boyfriend is a selfish dick. If he can't ignore a meowing cat and gets mad at it, there's something wrong with him.

I can't tell if you A) are trolling, B) are being sarcastic, or C) are actually a giant asshole shaped like a human who somehow learned to read and write.

tvhsprodigy 3
jennifernorvell 7

What an insensitive asshole! I wouldn't put up with that shit at all! No **** is worth that kind behavior....move on, you can do so much better. And you two weren't making love.... Sorry

If you neuter your cat, it will make sure you can't have sex either.

I hate when people automatically say "dump his/her ass" honestly you shouldn't dump somebody for something like this.

Yes, you definitely should. This is the FIRST time they've had sex, and he called her a bitch because a cat meowed. That is absolutely RIDICULOUS! Problems in the beginning of a relationship only get worse as time goes on. This early behavior is a sign of things to come. Trust me. I know.

I wish I had paid attention to your name and read your profile before I commented. I might have benefited from their wisdom before I wasted my time. :/

mdds 2

he's gay a straight man wouldn't stop even if the cat licked his ass.

perdix 29

He's got to focus on the task at hand. A real man would keep pumping away even if your pet mama grizzly roared in the doorway.

Won't stop can't stop till the job is done.