By misopower - 25/07/2009 18:50 - China

Today, after 9 months in our relationship, my boyfriend and I lost our virginity to each other. We had incredible, mind-blowing sex. An hour later, he broke up with me because apparently "my orgasm face is ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 212
You deserved it 9 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody loses their virginity with "incredible, mind-blowing sex". Nobody.

just tell him that it is ok and you'd prefer a bigger penis anyways


Aish_fml 0

Bahahahahahahhaaa! #100 made my day.

Just because everyone elses first time sucked, doesn't mean theirs had to. Some people practice, some people are just good at sex. And to the FML, that is really sucky.

ultravioletlight 0

OP: Most peoples' are. He's in for a nasty shock. You're better off without him. Everyone else: Btw, not everyone has a terrible first-time experience. And if you haven't got any experience to go by, then it might well seem mind-blowing.

Sounds like that guy is going to be having a lot of disappointing sexual experiences in his life.

there's no way OP had an ****** the first time she had sex!

how can it be "mind blowing" the first time?

Give her a break. Just because some of your first times weren't that great doesn't mean she's not allowed to feel that hers was mindblowing. It's not like it's been scientifically proven that first time sex can't be that good or that girls can't climax on their first time. It's unlikely, yes, but not impossible. And OP, that really sucks.

sounds like he's a bitchass, look for a real man

A first time can be mind blowing ya big meanies! I hate to say it though, I have the feelingthat he was just trying to get laid, and after he did that's why he broke up with you. Besides, no one really has a great "O face".