By misopower - 25/07/2009 18:50 - China

Today, after 9 months in our relationship, my boyfriend and I lost our virginity to each other. We had incredible, mind-blowing sex. An hour later, he broke up with me because apparently "my orgasm face is ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 213
You deserved it 9 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody loses their virginity with "incredible, mind-blowing sex". Nobody.

just tell him that it is ok and you'd prefer a bigger penis anyways


jessiana7 0

Haha! You have an ugly ****** face! Sorry! That is just mean of him. 9 months for that! How would you know if it's "mind-blowing" if he's your first? UOF!

Oh, what a bastard... I bet he just said he was a virgin to take yours. Why didn't you sock him in the balls? Tomorrow, go and bring back one of his balls as a trophy lol ;)

a similar story has been posted before

your boyfriend is a douche, plain and simple. If that's his exuse then he was just waiting to use you and dump you. Get over it; he's not worth it.

An arsehole of a boyfriend. You can't exactly say it was 'mind-blowing' as you have nothing to compare it too. You deserve better though. Find someone with experience, it will be way more mindblowing ;)

He's a douccccchhheeeeeeeeeeee and just wanted to nail you and then bail. FYL

what do you mean, "gave" him sex? what, is sex something the man receives from the woman, like a gift? we don't need your charity.