By misopower - 25/07/2009 18:50 - China

Today, after 9 months in our relationship, my boyfriend and I lost our virginity to each other. We had incredible, mind-blowing sex. An hour later, he broke up with me because apparently "my orgasm face is ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 213
You deserved it 9 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody loses their virginity with "incredible, mind-blowing sex". Nobody.

just tell him that it is ok and you'd prefer a bigger penis anyways


I highly doubt this is real. If both are virgins, it's likely to not last long (although it could), and be a tad uncomfortable (maybe not painful but at least awkward feeling) for the girl. Yes, it could be great. But, I highly doubt that the guy, being a virgin, would give her an ****** the first time, especially if it was their first ****** together. That's really what makes me think it's fake.

#173 - There are many ways to give and receive orgasms... Even for virgins. Know what I mean? That being said - I'm sorry you gave it up to this guy, but he's not worth it if that's why he's going to break up with you. Good riddance.

my first time wasn't mind-blowing, but it was exactly what i expected, and felt quite good. i didn't bleed or rip, i just had a great time. i can understand why the OP could say that she had mind-blowing sex her first time!

My friend and I both agree you should punch him in the face. Sorry you lost your virginity on someone who's such an ass.

Ughh same thing happened to me. He said things were "weird" after sex. Sorry I wasn't as experienced as his previous girlfriend..

dont be sad. my ****** face looks like i ate a sour lemon. not in a good way

"not in a good way" Is there a good way to look like you ate a sour lemon...? :p

You should've simply told him it was his fault.

At least your first time was mind blowing though...mine just sucked...I'm sorry your boyfriend was such a dick. There's plenty of fish in the sea though =)

how do you know it was mind-blowing? I mean if it was your first time and don't have a basis for comparisson anything would probably be mind-blowing. Past that note, he is a dick. Cut his balls off.

Edenbeam 19

Maybe it's better off that you're no longer with him, because FYL, he's a douche.