By misopower - 25/07/2009 18:50 - China

Today, after 9 months in our relationship, my boyfriend and I lost our virginity to each other. We had incredible, mind-blowing sex. An hour later, he broke up with me because apparently "my orgasm face is ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 213
You deserved it 9 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody loses their virginity with "incredible, mind-blowing sex". Nobody.

just tell him that it is ok and you'd prefer a bigger penis anyways


fmskat3r 0

YDI for being an ugly fat bitch.

LOL!!!!! AHAHAHHAHAHAHa i don't care if this is fake or not it's ******* hilarious!

He wanted a piece. I don't know what guy waits 9 months though...

R24Capitol 0

If you just lost your virginity, how the bloody hell do you know it was mindblowing?

xBlessedxInxSINx 0

Well all I can say is you better practice your face before you do it again lol.

Layneebby 0

My boyfriend and i are virgins and just because he's a virgin doesn't mean he doesn't know how to hold out and just cause i'm a virgin doesn't mean that i have never had an ******. It's called oral, masturbation, or just fooling around with each other. Ever think she might have used a toy and it didn't hurt her? Just cause they're virgins doesn't mean anything.

The point is that he had never seen her ****** face before, which meant he never gave her an ******. So, if they had fooled around, he was unsuccessful. Therefore, it's unlikely that he would've suddenly been successful with sex when it's a lot to take in the first time as a guy. If they'd never fooled around, I very highly doubt he'd have been successful simply because he doesn't know what she prefers or what works for her. Although I'm not denying it's possible to have mind-blowing sex the first time, the lack of a previous ****** together makes me go, yeah right.

My boyfriend broke up with me an hour after sex one day too (although, it wasn't our first time). It really sucks...and hurts. I'm so sorry sweetie!!

milli123_fml 0

It sounds to me like he maybe wasn't really ready for sex yet and panicked afterwards.