Tailor Swift

By Anonymous - 03/09/2009 17:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I awakened from my peaceful slumber in a great mood. I walked into my closet, ready to pick out an outfit for the day, to find my two year old daughter, kneeling on the floor with a pair of scissors in her hand, cutting up my wedding dress - my wedding is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 893
You deserved it 14 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CraziOne 0

Where would you put scissors that a two year old can get them?

brrrx 0

What kind of mother are you leaving scissors sharp enough to cut a wedding dress within reach of your 2 year old!? Not to mention...where the hell was the garment bag?


bunnysue 0

wow all i can say is your lucky your child is okay. your poor baby could have fallen with the scissors and got serious injuries. but goodluck finding a dress.

blondemoment 0

That was my react. A 2 year old with scissors is a REALLY bad combination. Sorry to hear about your dress though OP

hofosho26 0

ok so maybe you should be looking for something to wear rather than sitting on fml complaining about it. ...dumbass.

I totally thought this FML was going to end with a bloody hand somewhere...

Would not have happened if you had gotten MARRIED FIRST and then had the kid. Just saying...

Who's to say this kid wasn't from another marriage? Please just STFU and sew your fingers shut before being such a judgemental asshole mmkay?

Nieces, nephews, children of friends... Any one of those could have gotten to her dress with scissors if she didn't have a kid of her own.

First, of course there are many reasons why a single woman could have a child. There are JUST as many reasons why a single man could have a child. Second, it is NOT judgmental you ignoramus, if it is a fact. Third, I made the statement for one reason, and one reason only: Because it brings out the no-morals-anything-goes-crowd and drives them bat-shit crazy. Case in point: genius_man16, above. The closed-minded ranters are soooooo obvious and easy. Such tools for our enjoyment. Just have to know the right buttons to push.

Not if its the SECOND marriage dumbass.. They already had the wedding before the kids, but have to do it over again. People use your ******* brains.

farside, you just proved yourself to be quite the ignorant asshat. just another one of those bible-thumping people with nothing better to do than judge people, eh? it's funny how you call genius man ignorant, yet you are the one advertising your "pure" morals and calling everyone else crazy and idiotic.

You've just proved that YOU are the ignoramus, FarSide. You weren't stating it as a fact, the way you were trying to get across was derogatory. And there is a such thing as second marriages. So stop calling other people names, because you ARE a judgmental asswipe. And if you're saying things to rile people up, maybe you should adopt a useful hobby, or possibly open a book and move your eyes across those strings of letters some people call "words".

You stupid morons, it does not matter whether you are a virgin or not, you can say whatever you want. And I am not assuming that the kid is not from a previous marriage or anything, but if you have sex before marriage, you are stupid

Actually... I would want to know if a guy and I connect on a sexual level BEFORE I agree to spend the rest of my life with him. Not being able to have a healthy and enjoyable sexual relationship will end a marriage fast.

#128 - Just because you're a virgin doesn't make you better than people who aren't. You just look like a brainless waste of space calling people stupid because they had sex before marriage. Please commit suicide the next time you feel you're about to say something stupid like the comment you just posted.

One, why would you keep scissors around where a two year old can have access to them? And second, why would you take a nap and leave your child unattended? And how did she manage to get inside the closet in the first place?

its not like she has to have 24-hour surveillance on her child, she probably left her to play with her toys or with her fiancee.

R-E-A-D... an irresponsible parent. You do not do that with a two-year old.

Bi, I'm pretty sure a 2 year old wouldn't know how to use a pair of scissors. I have a 3 year old neice that is pretty smart for her age, and she can't even use them. And people that believe this are dumbasses. Not to mention people usually have their wedding dresses pack away in a safe place. Also thats would be bad parenting to leave a 2 year old unsupervised AND to leave scissors where they can reach them. Just sayen.

I worked with a class full of two-year-olds at a daycare, and at art-time they knew how to use scissors perfectly well. They're not stupid.

I honestly don't believe that. I'm not saying that you didn't, but I don't think you did. Man, why the **** would you let TWO year olds to use scissors? Anyone thats isn't fucken insane would let a two year old use scissors.

Obviously this story is fake. How would a two year old get into the closet, get scissors, pull down the wedding dress, and cut it up?

people underestimate kids. Maybe her parents taught her how to use the scissors? she's was excited of her new ability and wanted to cut up different materials. And some people have walk-in closets with a door that might be left slightly open so someone little could walk in.

Why the hell would someone teach their TWO year old how to use scissors and then leave them where the two year old can get them ? So they can cut their own throat by accident ? yeah, cause yano, thats pretty fucken smart, eh ?

To be fair, the child could have learned it in child care or something with ones that can't cut you(child-proof).