Tailor Swift

By Anonymous - 03/09/2009 17:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I awakened from my peaceful slumber in a great mood. I walked into my closet, ready to pick out an outfit for the day, to find my two year old daughter, kneeling on the floor with a pair of scissors in her hand, cutting up my wedding dress - my wedding is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 893
You deserved it 14 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CraziOne 0

Where would you put scissors that a two year old can get them?

brrrx 0

What kind of mother are you leaving scissors sharp enough to cut a wedding dress within reach of your 2 year old!? Not to mention...where the hell was the garment bag?


dELiA14 0

FYL x100million However, why didn't the girl know she wasn't supposed to cut up your wedding dress? Maybe you can buy a off-the-rack dress in your size... They have some good ones out there! At least your still getting married :)

A two year old know why not to cut up a dress? You are being funny right? Or are you suffering with cranial constipation? Someone should have taught you not to play with computers.

dELiA14 0

**** #117 beating kids is NOT the answer!

And it's not slutty to have a kid with someone who isn't going to leave you. They're getting married!!! congrats, btw.

XxCoolPersonxX 0

@#68 dammnn! I'm on an effin iPhone for damn sake! we all make mistakes retard!

You are forgiven for having an iphone

Filling in your own preferences and values for someone else is immature.

and that's why you should have the children after marriage

Yeah, okay. Not saying all parents should be like me. However, I've woken up at the slightest noise my kids have made since I had them. If they wake up, I wake up. Perhaps I'm just too paranoid, but I see nothing wrong with it as it kinda ensures nothing like this happens. I'd have been more relieved and grateful my child was OK then even worrying about my dress, I think. Just the thought makes me scared. Not saying it's shitty about your dress, I think that's important, but not nearly on a scale of what could have happened.

I agree with you. I'd be more concerned about the child than the dress.

I'm sure she was relieved the child was okay, but the point of the FML was that her wedding dress was destroyed the day before her wedding.

I'm sure she was relieved the child was okay, but the point of the FML was that her wedding dress was destroyed the day before her wedding.

zander09 0

How about getting married first, then maybe having kids?

You deserve any misfortunes in your future for not understanding that accidents happen.

Can I also add, wouldn't the first thing you do when you wake up is go check on your kid rather than picking out an outfit?

Perhaps this is a good moment to plumb her emotions about your impending marriage? (hopefully to her father?)