Tailor Swift

By Anonymous - 03/09/2009 17:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I awakened from my peaceful slumber in a great mood. I walked into my closet, ready to pick out an outfit for the day, to find my two year old daughter, kneeling on the floor with a pair of scissors in her hand, cutting up my wedding dress - my wedding is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 893
You deserved it 14 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CraziOne 0

Where would you put scissors that a two year old can get them?

brrrx 0

What kind of mother are you leaving scissors sharp enough to cut a wedding dress within reach of your 2 year old!? Not to mention...where the hell was the garment bag?


2-year-olds shouldn't have access to scissors. YDI.

YDI for letting your 2 year old play with scissors. WTF is wrong with you? Parenting fail.

Edge578 0

YDI for having premarital sex.

It is ALWAYS better to have two loving parents.

mandapanda07 0

For all of you who are saying she is a terrible parent for leaving scissors around or not putting the daughter in a crib: obviously you have never had children. When my son was 2 he could successfully climb out of his crib and also climb up kitchen cabinets and it took a long time to teach him not to do so. So just because the kid had scissors, doesn't mean the mom let her have access to scissor, it just means that somehow she got a hold of them, it doesn't make anybody a terrible parent. And also, this woman could be a widow or a divorcee, and even if she's not- shut up with your catholic BS about having a child out of wedlock because not everybody believes that its a sin!

OH MY GODD!!!!!!!!!! i realllly hope things turn out okay! :0

poeticpunk77 0

wow. way to write a comment that NO ONE CAN EVEN UNDERSTAND. Use proper grammar before you insult someone.

ohJeeznotme 7

YDI for not being a careful mom and leaving shapr thing sin reach of a toddler YDI for having a kid before you got married

Sorry about your dress, but seriously... please be careful about leaving sharp objects in reach of young children. :( Also, you pretty much deserved this by having a kid before you're married. I guess maybe she could have been from a previous marriage, though. Either way, I hope everything turns out OK with the dress.

She deserved to have her dress destroyed because she gave birth to a child before she signed a little piece of paper? Pull your head out of your ass, please. What do you think is more important, a baby and continuing her family blood line, or that little piece of paper?