Tailor Swift

By Anonymous - 03/09/2009 17:05 - United Kingdom

Today, I awakened from my peaceful slumber in a great mood. I walked into my closet, ready to pick out an outfit for the day, to find my two year old daughter, kneeling on the floor with a pair of scissors in her hand, cutting up my wedding dress - my wedding is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 893
You deserved it 14 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CraziOne 0

Where would you put scissors that a two year old can get them?

brrrx 0

What kind of mother are you leaving scissors sharp enough to cut a wedding dress within reach of your 2 year old!? Not to mention...where the hell was the garment bag?


to all the people who say ydi for leaving scissors where a two year old could get you're idiots. I've seen 2 year olds get out of their crib and open child proof things and OP that sucks

tashakishka 0

well.. at least it was before the wedding...? :/

lcsun69 0
Gingerly 0

What's with all the FML's lately where people are basically admitting that they're horrible parents? You totally deserve it for not only giving your kid access to your wedding dress, but allowing your kid access to scissors sharp enough to cut fabric. You're lucky she didn't cut anything but the dress, she could've lost an eye or a hand. Do the world a favor and stop breeding.

she went in time out right? and she doesn't deserve this. none of you know who she had the kid with, the circumstances of getting pregnant, or even how the kid got the scissors. they could've been up high, and you'd be surprised how smart two year olds are. this sucks. hopefully you can cut it into something cool. this might not be completely tragic. good luck!

It's irritating how there's so many idiots bitching about her having a daughter, when they should be bitching about 2 years olds freely playing with scissors which is an actual problem and danger, unlike the premarital pregnancy... (she could perfectly be born from a previous marriage anyway, so there, conservative people.)

danielle73196 0

that's exactly why you have a wedding, then children, love ;)

The majority of comments on here are ridiculous! Who cares if she has a child out of wedlock, welcome to the new millennium. Not to mention a piece of paper declaring you legally married to another person does not by any means make you a better parent. And everyone saying that the women posting this must be the worst parent in the world must believe themselves to be extra terrestrials because last time I checked everyone is human and we are prone to making mistakes. No one can say that they have never made a similar mistake, unfortunately for this women her mistake was a little more severe than she would have liked. To the poster, I hope your wedding was beautiful, regardless of your dress. Congratulations.

Yes, exactly. These people jump to conclusions and it's incredibly annoying.

It's really bothering me how you're complaining about your wedding dress being cut up, when I would figure a MOTHER would be worried about her 2 year old daughter playing with scissors in a closet.

Yes. The FML should deffinetly be, Today i found my daughter cutting my wedding dress up with scissors. My daughter could have gotten hurt. FML. Last time i checked this was Fmylife.com not telleveryonewhatyourworriedabout.com

gigi2009 0

FUUUUCK. but yes, 90's right. who gives that much about a dress when your baby is playing with something as dangerous as scissors!?

So, normally people who are so against sex before marriage are also anti-abortion....so, people, would you rather the mother have an abortion, or raise a child??