Some taken

By Sadboy - 06/04/2012 14:24 - United States

Today, I went to family therapy because my mom wanted the family to be closer. When asked what her biggest disappointment was in life, she turned to me and said, "Having a gay son" then patted my hand, smiled, and said "No offense, honey." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 901
You deserved it 7 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knsy 0

I wish small minds had small mouths.

hubla 0

I would have patted her face with the back of my hand


BrysGirl27 14

What a bitch!!!!:( be proud of who you are:) there is nothing wrong with being gay:)

I remember when a guy mocked in front of all my friends for being gay when I'm not...I got a bloody nose and cut, he got a nice right hook and a black eye

I swear if my mom ever told me that I would slap her because she would have lied about accepting me for who I am

I dislike the fact that some people will play the "maybe she's just upset she won't get grandkids" card. Now, let's pretend for a moment that gay people can't in fact have kids. Even then, nobody OWES their parents grandchildren. It's not like your little zygote self signed a contract which stated that in return for being conceived, you would promise to have children in the future.

Hahahaha good point, but I think that if a straight child tells their mother they dont want any children then still there will be an amount of dissapointment. And some straight ppl (as I said in my comment below) just have these funny ideas about gay life that are very difficult to ' set str8 ' (yes the pun was intended)

What do you mean "pretend"? Are there homosexual men who have wombs somewhere that I'm not aware of? Are there lesbians who can produce sperm?

148- Yes, there are some homosexual men with wombs available to them, usually in the form of a female friend that is willing to carry and birth a child fathered with their injected sperm. That way, a gay man can still sire his own child, if they so choose. My brother's gay, and my sister has offered to carry an implanted, fertilized egg for him, if and when he wants to be a father/ have a child. It's not that uncommon or unusual.

148: There are many options available. For a start, many trans people retain their birth genitalia - there's your homosexual men with wombs and lesbians who produce sperm. As well as this, a person could choose surrogacy, adoption, fostering, in vitro...

bigmackin35 0

To hell with that women moms shouldn't be degrading their sons like that

Lol, get a wife and prove her wrong! ;)

How can anyone say that you deserve it???? OP, I dont know how long ago you told your mom abt your being gay. When I told my mom I was a lesbian she had trouble with it too, now Im able to talk to her about it and it has to do with the expectations a parent has from the moment of the pregnancy. You want your kid to have a happy life, and sometimes straight ppl have the idea that a homosexual life is SO complicated it will make you unhappy and that it is easier to 'just be straight'. I might as well tall a human its easier to just be a dog! Anyway I hope you can talk to your mom and tell her how her comment make you feel, if she cares abt u enough to go to therapy I think she cares abt u enough to listen to you, and try to understand. Hugs OP and hang in there!

Agreed. Hopefully she meant the disappointment as in "my son will have a hard life" rather than "I don't like gay people". Not that the former is any more well informed, but at least the intention is better.

Epsilonyx 15

Some of you are quick to judge. Some mothers who hold no anti-homosexual stigmas are often caught by surprise. I knew an Atheist mother who cried when she found out her daughter was a lesbian because she wanted grandchildren (naturally, not artificial insemination or adoption). It doesn't mean she's a "cherry-picking, Christian homophobe"....that's just as judgmental. I'm sure most parents, regardless of who they are, need to cope with the news to some extent.

zombiesdkdjdjf 1

Uh. Your mom wants you to be closer.. But she can't expect that until she's proud of you. And I'm sorry but that was pure bitch. Be proud of who your are and **** the rest.

It's better to appear a fool and be silent then open your mouth and remove all doubt

SignUpisntcool 3

124- ah, that shows my ignorance. I thought it was a Mark Twain quote. :)