Some taken

By Sadboy - 06/04/2012 14:24 - United States

Today, I went to family therapy because my mom wanted the family to be closer. When asked what her biggest disappointment was in life, she turned to me and said, "Having a gay son" then patted my hand, smiled, and said "No offense, honey." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 901
You deserved it 7 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knsy 0

I wish small minds had small mouths.

hubla 0

I would have patted her face with the back of my hand


your mother sounds like a terrible person. How dare she judge you for what you are, she should embrace you openly.

Aweuh......All Women Enjoy Unleashing Hell? I always suspected this, but thanks for the conformation. ;)

I am not a homophobe, but I am against gay marriage. Yes that is possible.

I hope you said, "Having a homophobic mother is one of my greatest disappointments in life. No offense meant."

Sorry to comment on your mother's behavior and "no offense" but she is a closed minded, bigoted animal. You should be proud of who you are and NEVER let anyone make you feel otherwise. It sounds like she is the biggest disappointment that you ever had! Keep your head up OP!

Tell her to piss off like many other commenters have said before me. If she is that gung-ho about you being gay (assuming you are), that she has to have group therapy for it, only to call you out on it harshly.... Then you should save face and dignity by disowning her.

This world is full of corrupt people

I say that referring to the op not the mom

Why is it that all comments that aren't supportive of gays are deleted immediately? Sounds kind of partisan if you ask me.