Some taken

By Sadboy - 06/04/2012 14:24 - United States

Today, I went to family therapy because my mom wanted the family to be closer. When asked what her biggest disappointment was in life, she turned to me and said, "Having a gay son" then patted my hand, smiled, and said "No offense, honey." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 901
You deserved it 7 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knsy 0

I wish small minds had small mouths.

hubla 0

I would have patted her face with the back of my hand


say. "That is okay mom, I love you despite your obvious retardation"

Wow 61 ppl are homophobes and need to get a life

twifan1901 0

Your mom is a bitch maybe she's pissed about the whole no grandkids thing?

anarchistpunk 3

Yeah dude be proud of being gay. **** the intolerant close minded assholes who think it isn't right. Your mom's really bitchy for saying that.

82- I understand but that's not the same, it's not blood

Yes it is, if you decide to have a surrogate mother implanted with your own sperm.

89 - It is a blood relationship with the parent that either donated sperm or was injected with it, but the child won't have a blood relationship with the other gay parent.

Blood doesn't have a single thing to do with it. :/ How often do you think to yourself, "Boy! I'm so glad I have the same DNA as my parents! My life would be significantly lessened if I didn't have the same genetic make-up as my family! :D"

218- Lmao! Agreed. :) My wife and I have considered adopting in the not-so-far future, and I don't care what the child's sex, race or relation is to me: If I raise him/her, then that child is my son/daughter and I am his/her dad. Period.

I swear, topics like Homosexuality brings out the WORST in people. What is it that people hate homosexuality besides the fact that most idiots think it's "unnatural" or it's a "disease" or they listen to ONE passage from the damn bible. Seriously, stop the hate, Assholes.

Some people are just stuck in the past and still think everyone is against gays like it was back in the 50s.

^ Actually, there's 3 other big topics a hate discussing with people I don't know very well as it seems most people have a strong opinion in at least one of them, those 3 being politics, abortion and religion. Walk into any room full of people, share your humble thoughts on all 3 topics, and you'll have a fight, 99% of the time. :p It's foolish, really.

138- that's very, very true. I learned the hard way with the topic of abortion.

If you're pro-choice in a room full of anti-choice, you'll likely leave with them screaming "Babykiller!" at your back. Fun, really.

"Oh! You never asked me. My biggest disappointment-having a dog for a mom."

loganmarquez 3

Dude, I'm really sorry to hear that your mom treats you like that. I certainly know what it feels like. I'm a gay trans man, and my parents are the same way. Be strong and proud of who you are, and never change yourself for ignorant people. Dr. Seuss said: "Those who mind, don't matter. And those who matter, don't mind." If she's not willing to be a good mother and be in your life to support you, then she doesn't deserve the chance to be. I really hope things get better for you, man. You've got my support.

Xquisite1 28

That is HER personal dissapointment, nobody said that she did not love her son, sounds like it is his lifestyle that makes her uncomfortable. Nobody has to accept what they do not agree with nor should they be forced to, equal rights is a two-way street. If I do not like it, I should not be forced to agree with it because now it's totally acceptable. We all have our personal thoughts and beliefs, that should be respected either way. I do not think this is a matter of love, but more of a matter of acceptance if anything. That is her personal choice.

Yes, but being disapointed at her son because he wasn't born a Heterosexual is ridiculous.

Would you say that if it was, say, a white person talking to their non-white friend? What if they said "I don't like having black friends, no offense?" Should it be okay just to not accept that "lifestyle"?

Epsilonyx 15

You can't equate human sexuality to skin color.

Of course you can. Despite that old bull the homophobes like to play about it all being a choice, it ain't. Don't even go down that dumbass road, son. Besides, it's irrelevant, isn't it? Unless the guy's out raping people, it's all consensual and a personal matter. **** the mom for being a hateful old bitch, and **** you for giving heterosexuals a bad name.

Of course the mother is allowed to express her opinion, or her 'dissapointment' for that matter, but i think when it comes to your children you have to have an open heart and love them no matter what. even if YOU have difficulty understanding their 'lifestyle'. Some mothers are dissapointed when their child comes home with someone from a different race. Of course they are allowed to say it, but OP's mother has to realise that if she doesnt talk to her son and tries to understand him, SHE is hte one making his life difficult PLUS she is very likely to lose him

Epsilonyx 15

I guess I'm a bit too far down that road to turn back.

Without being offensive, can you tell me why u cant compare sexuality to skincolor?

99- Love....without acceptance? I've never seen such a thing. Can you love someone you can't accept? Maybe I'm sheltered, but I don't believe so. And 132- I don't believe that you are "too far down that road", not at all. :) And I have a challenge for you: Have a conversation with an openly gay man, and have the conversation last no less than 15 minutes. You are not allowed to be anything but calm, patient, and respectful. The topic: "Was it hard for you to accept being gay growing up? What was it like?" The point: Humanizing a life. Seeing things from a different point of view. Now, why would you even entertain this challenge? Because, if you "know" you're right, then this shouldn't change that in the least, so you have nothing to lose by doing so. Worst case scenario, you'll learn something about yourself you never knew simply in the asking. But by dismissing this challenge to expand your perspectives, you're saying your ideas are too weak to withstand such a trial. So what are you afraid of? I try to challenge to own ideas as often as a can, especially the one's motivated by fear instead of logic. I've never regretted it yet. If anything, it's shown me that I have so much more to learn in life than I ever thought before. And that thought, actually comforts me. :) Think about it.

^ An addition to my last comment: I don't consider myself an all knowing, wise in the ways of life guru. ;) I'll be wrong again and again and again; it happens with learning. And I don't mean to sound condescending or disrespectful to anyone here. Please forgive me if I come across as such. I ramble sometimes. Trying to work on that. ;)

Xquisite1 28

Bs, I know a few people that were so-called gay for years and now they do not want pussy anymore and are getting dick now. BS, just demonic trifling behavior overall.

Xquisite1 28

Race is not a lifestyle, I cannot hide my race nor lie about it, but you certainly can do those things when it comes to your sexuality. I personally do not care who gets upset on this app, wrong is wrong bottom line and btw, I am not a Christian nor do I affiliate myself with any of these twisted religions out here, However the bible is real.