Some taken

By Sadboy - 06/04/2012 14:24 - United States

Today, I went to family therapy because my mom wanted the family to be closer. When asked what her biggest disappointment was in life, she turned to me and said, "Having a gay son" then patted my hand, smiled, and said "No offense, honey." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 901
You deserved it 7 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knsy 0

I wish small minds had small mouths.

hubla 0

I would have patted her face with the back of my hand


what a bitch. my best fruend is gay. i have three bous and although one day i want grandkids (the old fasioned way) if one of my boys were to end up gay id be happy one of my kids would actually enjoy shopping with me. screw her op

It's ok that would be devastating for her.

Sorry to hear that, kid. It gets better.

Briget_fml 3

Never be ashamed of who you are. Your mother was wrong to say that but she is your mother and loves you give her some time she will come around. I hope you find love and happiness..

should have repied to her with an apology... would have thrown her off n made her feel like the jerk that she is

peachezthelette 22

Shit, if my son would grow up to be gay, I would still love him. That's my own flesh & blood. This boy's mom sounds like a dick. That's who he chose to be and that's how he's going to live and his mom can't stop him.

peachezthelette 22

She's thinking less of him because of his orentation.

Faith in humanity restored. Haven't seen that much homophobic posts :)

I find it gratifying that 99% of FML comments on here are so supportive. If there was ever a good indicator for the future, this is it.