Some taken

By Sadboy - 06/04/2012 14:24 - United States

Today, I went to family therapy because my mom wanted the family to be closer. When asked what her biggest disappointment was in life, she turned to me and said, "Having a gay son" then patted my hand, smiled, and said "No offense, honey." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 901
You deserved it 7 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knsy 0

I wish small minds had small mouths.

hubla 0

I would have patted her face with the back of my hand


perdix 29

When you and your partner adopt her some grandkids, she'll feel better. If not having grandchildren is her problem, you can fix that. Otherwise, she's an old-school homophobe who just needs to **** off!

DCvRkey2012 7

Everybody that doesn't accept gay people is automatically labelled a homophobe. I wish society wasn't quick to negatively label people.

Yo' mama gonna be sorry when you're crazy rich and successful in life & won't return her calls. You proud of me now, ma?!!! Who cares biatch!!! Lol

No words :( I hope you pointed your middlefinger or something like that

Why do people think "no offense" will make it all better when they something extremely hurtful? Mother: Son, you're my biggest regret... Son: D: Mother: No offense!! Son: Oh... OK!!! :D It doesn't work like that.

^ Sadly, I don't think the people who say that, actually think it'll make a bad comment better, more that they believe they aren't saying anything wrong, and that You can't accept hearing it, but it's okay, they are "being considerate of your feelings" and are displaying that treasured, empathic quality of themselves for your benefit. :p It's a bit egotistic and self-righteous, IMHO. Always disliked that saying myself, as, if you have an opinion, and you know enough to believe someone may be offended by it, then either don't say it, or tailor it differently, because if you don't, then either you did mean it to offend, or you don't give a shit. Still makes it offensive either way. :p Just sharing my offense! ;) (Hides!)

i hate it when people think tht just because they say 'no offense' they then think they can say anything!

If you are gay, OP, be proud of it. Be proud of who you are and that you aren't afraid to show your love :) I'm not gay and I am a Christian, but I do support gay rights. I support any type of love. I mean, isn't Christianity supposed to be all about love? If so, why are so many "Christians" bashing others just because they can? I know the Bible might say that homosexuality is wrong, but I don't see anything wrong with it because you can't help who you are attracted to. It's love.

OhDearBetrayal 25

One of the main points in the Christian bible is love God and your neighbor, but those homophobs have obviously chosen to ignore one of the biggest beliefs in their own bible. I agree with you, people shouldn't hate because their bible says something is wrong. They have to remember that their religion is a peaceful religion, and by hating on other people they are contradicting their faith.

Haha well thanks for agreeing :) Yea, one thing that confuses me about the Bible is that it says to love your neighbor, but then in some parts I read of people being stoned to death and stuff such as that.. There's no love in stoning and hurting someone just because you don't see like them :/

xStaciexLynnx 15

The bible does not condone stoning people to death. It simply has stories in which it happens because violence is unfortunately a part of the world.

MissHayleyJames 7

Exactly this!!! And so many people forget that the Bible was written by MAN, not GOD so you have to take some of what it says with a grain of salt. The best thing to do is take the big messages (10 Commandments, believe in Jesus, be a good person, etc.) and go with those and just ignore the little nitty gritty stupid details that men wrote down to gain control.

Epsilonyx 15

It's not possible to adequately scrutinize the morality of 2000+ years ago because their morality was VERY different. Stoning was to keep sinfulness from Jewish communities and culture, because the Messiah was prophesied to be born in the land of Israel, and because forgiveness of sins was not feasible before Christ. Which couldn't happen through a sinful bloodline. This isn't my opinion, this is historical fact of an ancient culture. And I understand how you feel about the people who hate gays and call themselves Christian. That's unjust, and not a commandment of Christ.

Petunia888 13

43: I love this comment! I'm glad I'm not alone. I personally don't believe any part of the bible should be ignored. It's either for teaching, rebuking, or instructing. See, in the bible, when it talks about homosexuality, usually it's referring to rape. Like Sodom and Gomorrah. Those cities weren't destroyed just because they were gay; they were destroyed cuz they were murdering and raping people! People get so much of the bible twisted. If they just focused on "love God; love people" the rest would fall into place.

It's good to know I'm not alone In my views :)

twisted_cherub 14

Can't only blame Christians, either. There are many cultures and religions in which being gay is considered wrong. But it's true, if we all just focused on the message of love and faith this world would be a much better place. No one preached tolerance more than Jesus. It's sad how the church has lost sight of that.

Wow guys! Haha thank you all so much for all the replies :D I'm glad that I found people who agree with me. Living in Georgia (the deep south, y'all! Haha), I haven't met many people who do agree with me on this subject. Even my boyfriend. He thinks it's "wrong". I'm trying to show him and many others that love is love and people are people.

I am a Christian and I see your point to a certain extent. I don't think it's right when Christians hate gay people....I used to have a couple gay friends myself and I still hung out with them and respected them. However, in saying that, they knew I didn't agree with their lifestyle and I want people to realize that you can still love the person but not necessarily love all of their actions/decisions. I know many people think being gay isn't a choice but that's a whole different debate. Anyways, I know many Christians simply bash gay people and I'm sorry because I don't think that's right of them. But understand that as Christians we, or those who take seriously what Jesus taught anyways, believe homosexuality is wrong. But I do still respect gay people since they are still people like you and I. But I don't agree with their sexual lifestyle.

wow. narrow-minded people just need to piss off. and for those of you saying it would be "funnier" if he weren't gay, this isn't funny. homophobia an close-mindedness isn't a joke. many people kill themselves over this. piss off. op, I admire u(: be proud to be part of the spectrum

DCvRkey2012 7

What the mom did was wrong. However, not everybody is close minded just because they don't accept LGBT community. I hate people that bully others. Bullying is wrong no matter who it is.

You should seek emancipation or something. Anyone who would treat you that way, especially your mother, has no place in your life. Don't put up with that kind of bullshit - no one deserves that.