Some taken

By Sadboy - 06/04/2012 14:24 - United States

Today, I went to family therapy because my mom wanted the family to be closer. When asked what her biggest disappointment was in life, she turned to me and said, "Having a gay son" then patted my hand, smiled, and said "No offense, honey." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 901
You deserved it 7 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knsy 0

I wish small minds had small mouths.

hubla 0

I would have patted her face with the back of my hand


You guys are missing the point. It's therapy. She's supposed to say what she feels.. You closed minded morons talk about how closed minded everyone else is. How about being open minded enough to accept that everyone doesn't have to accept everyone? It obviously bothers the lady and she has a right to be bothered by it just like he has a right to be gay.

171- While I do like that she's being honest with her feelings while in therapy, as it makes it easier to deal with the issues she's having, it's just unfortunate that she's having a hard time accepting it. Maybe her opinion will change with the therapy, or they'll reach an understanding. I just hope it ends well for all.

I understand that its therapy and she's supposed to say how she feels but couldn't she said it in a much better way? If my mom said something to me like that I'd probably become suicidal. He probably will. I hope he's okay.

There doesn't need to be a "right" to be gay. Even if homosexuality were made illegal, people would still be gay. They're not gonna wake up, check the morning newspaper and be like "well, guess I'll have to become straight from now on".

at least you can't get anyone pregnant.... I want a gay son

hateevryone 14

That's the worst thing a person could hear from their mom.

.....I can think of something worse. :(

now that is just the meanist thing any mother could say to their kid. There is nothing wrong with being gay!!!!!!

Maybe she just wanted grand kids? Who knows, either way that's a hell of a thing to say to your kid.

TheEpicMilkMan 13

trust me I know how you feel OP my mom is very religious and when my brothers friend accidentally said something in front of my mom she kicked him out the house (he's almost 22 now though) but still :/ I hate that but if my kid turns out to be gay I wouldn't be disappointed, it's his life and I raised him/her and its still your own kid so I would be happy that my childs happy. That's the way I see it *shrugs*

awee im sorry ur moms a cold bitch... my families been more than accepting aside from one younger sibling. telling them im gay wasprobably the hardest thing, ive ever done. but was astounded at the outcome.

Jesus, that's tough, dude. There are so many things I could say to this FML, but I don't want to write a novel. If she wants to have a closer family all she needs to do is talk to you and the rest of the members. *shrug* I guess some people are terrible at communication, but the fact that she could just blurt that out to a complete stranger (therapist) makes me think she doesn't have a problem with communication. Either way, man, I'm sorry. =(