Some taken

By Sadboy - 06/04/2012 14:24 - United States

Today, I went to family therapy because my mom wanted the family to be closer. When asked what her biggest disappointment was in life, she turned to me and said, "Having a gay son" then patted my hand, smiled, and said "No offense, honey." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 901
You deserved it 7 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knsy 0

I wish small minds had small mouths.

hubla 0

I would have patted her face with the back of my hand


What the hell is so wrong about being gay?! Hell, homosexuals ain't hurting anyone. I see more straight folks running around raping everything that moves! I have never heard of a gay rapist (not that there aren't any). I find it sad and pitiful that so many people's only objection to homosexuality is the physical sex act. They forget all about the fact that they are humans, that they have the ability to love like a heterosexual, that they want to share the love act with their partner. Love is so much more than just physical acts.

linkinpark98 23
sweetmama88 6

OMG I'm so sorry ! Sometimes people say things without thinking . And regret it much later on .

jaredofmo 22

And that's why my mom isn't a major part of my life anymore. She didn't teach me about sexuality, she doesn't get a say in mine.

Shut it, dipshite. By "sounds like my mother" means that he had similar experiences with her around him being gay. Shut it, ******.

linkinpark98 23

Says the person who probably lives under your mother's care. Don't talk trash about your parents. -_-

Her disappointments are hers, she wanted something and didn't get it. You don't have to take on any shame here. She didn't say she was disappointed in you.

jules3198604 4

I'm sorry your mom reacted that way. I think after that comment there would be no resurrecting our relationship and I would have got up and left the counseling session. I am not one to put myself in situations where I'm not welcome.

This is just like my family.. I'm their dissapoitment cause I'm the gay son..

^ The shame is their mentality, not your homosexuality, and if they have issue with it, the problem is their own as you have nothing to apologize for. :) Chin up! Cheers.

Wow. What a horrible person. I hope she's very unhappy and stays that way.