Jealous much?

By Anonymous - 09/02/2010 06:12 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told my hamster he loved her. Repeatedly. In 'cute' baby voices. He has yet to say it to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 362
You deserved it 5 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

come on, give him a break. It's kinda different when it's a freaking hamster.

he knows the hamster won't make a big deal out of it.


Kockdiesel 0

keep an eye out to make sure you aren't missing duct tape and paper towel tubes.

maybe he meant he loves you but only has the balls to say it in front of your hamster

Shorty_xD 0

Maybe your hamster is waaaaaay cooler than u?

But does it matter who's hamster it is in the long run? OP, get over yourself.

dugumit 0

obviously the hasmter doesn't bitch as much as u.

lostladyknight 0

Have you said that you love him yet either? And, have you said it to your hamster? Though, I don't think you're the type of person I'd want as either a significant other or a pet owner if you can't appreciate your own pet enough to be happy the guy your with likes it. Why do you even have the hamster at all if you don't value it. Hmm? You know, my boyfriend said he loved my dog before he said it to me. You know why? He was worried that I wasn't ready to say it yet and he didn't want to put me on the spot. He could have a lot of reasons for not saying it yet. Maybe doesn't feel it. Maybe he's waiting for you. Maybe he's just scared? At least you've got the kind of guy in your life that puts value in those around you, even your pets. I think he's doing just fine. BUT, maybe YOU ought to find a home for your Hamster if it's so "wrong" that someone loves it. If anyone loves it, it should be its owner. Get over it. Grow up. And, maybe give it more than a month of dating before you expect the "I love you's." Or, try saying it to him first, if you want to get to that stage. BUT, be prepared that you might be rushing into things. Teenagers. Yeesh!

lostladyknight 0

Wait, wait! I know grammar! Paragraph 2- *you're

wrong. Sorry :/ your was used correctly in paragraph 2.

No, it wasn't. Don't try to correct people when you're wrong.

lostladyknight 0

No, it wasn't. As I said before, I know grammar. I'm glad one of us does. Please refrain from giving me a lesson in a subject you obviously know nothing about.

jj79242 0
epic_failxxx 0

Maybe he is ready to tell you yet. Those are hard words to say unless honestly felt. Give the guy a break.

_Naboo_ 0

Dude, it's a hamster. You're his girlfriend, if he didn't love you or even like you he wouldn't be with you. This is at two different ends of the spectrum.