Bad trip

By MoneyMike - 12/03/2009 00:30 - United States

Today, I fell asleep in the car on a 10+ hour trip with my family as soon as we got on the highway. When I woke up an hour later, I realized I'd had a wet dream. I had to sit next to my grandma with semen all over my thighs and boxers for the rest of the trip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 145
You deserved it 11 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments


haha did your grandma notice? OHMYGOD was the wet dream ABOUT your grandma?!!

sucker 0

Ouch... enjoy your adolescence ;)


sucker 0

Ouch... enjoy your adolescence ;)

hellokittywhore 0

and no one noticed?? you must be pretty small! fyl indeedy!!!

It doesn't really just bleed through your jeans or shorts and run down your thighs. Semen is very thick and usually would just stay smeared all over his thigh, which isn't visible to anyone.


haha did your grandma notice? OHMYGOD was the wet dream ABOUT your grandma?!!

Why wouldn't you take a promotion, there are whole lot bigger idiots than you(appearently not...), that are doing that work, but you won't take the job, cause you are afraid.

michael32123 0

wrong FML you comented on :P and OP u can haz masturbationz?

uhhhh.... go **********. it workss for both of ur situations

#8 fails. Wrong comment to the wrong post. XD