By DieTrying - 02/02/2012 09:31 - United States

Today, while in bed with my fiancée, I asked her to take off her pants so we could get it on. She said, "No, I don't feel like squeezing into them again." I was cockblocked by a pair of jeans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 254
You deserved it 5 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justfienne 12

Cut a hole in the crotch, then she'll never have to take them off.

I will NEVER understand women and fashion. Squeezing yourselves into jeans just to make your ass look good, contorting your feet into high heels just to make your legs look good, shoving yourselves into push-up bras just to make your boobs look good... Actually, forget what I just said. Keep doing all those things, please. You know, for fashion.


Who sleeps in jeans? OP she was probably setting that up to tell you no that night. Besides, you don't just ask for sexy time, you gotta build it up, and if there's a chance she'll end up getting intimate with you. But don't push it. Women don't like that most of the time.

Fiancé is a french word. So it's fiancéE for a girl. Thank you.

perdix 29

Fiancé is the word you'd use for a man to whom you're engaged. What do they call a French grammar Nazi? A grammar Vichy collaborator? Je ne sais pas.

dani05 0

Y'all aren't even married yet and your having troubles getting her to sleep with you?

Tell her you'll give her such a good "workout," and she won't have to worry about squeezing into her jeans anymore!

Revert back to your middle school / early high school days and dry hump her! Make sure you have your pants off first. Then you get satisfied and she gets a nice pair of "crispy" jeans! And, no disrespect to your girlfriend, but why did you stop there, "Okay Dear, leave your jeans on and give me a ********." You, my friend, need to think outside of the "box"! See what I did there?

RedPillSucks 31

except "fun time" is inside the box.

Why was she wearing jeans to bed in the first place....

perdix 29

Why would she be putting her pants back on? Are you guys trying to do one of those quiches?

RedPillSucks 31

That was my thought too. "taking it off to get it on" seems perverse.