By Pouponette - 16/06/2016 11:07 - France

Today, the pizza delivery guy saw me in my underwear. My boyfriend is so ashamed of me that he pointed out to the guy twice that we were just roommates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 112
You deserved it 1 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's time to reevaluate your relationship because if he loves you he should not be embarrassed by the way you look.


Bonus points if you do it by saying "This whole roommate thing isn't working for me, you should move out"

bonehead69 15

as everyone else said, he's an ass for that one.. but why would you put yourself in the position of him seeing you ? it's not like you didn't know he was coming. yes I might get burned for that but I'm just as concerned about him seeing you half naked.

The boyfriend could have been the one that opened the door without realizing the OP had entered the room.

hookumsnivy 6

You deserve it for not saying "My now ex-boyfriend"

So embarrassed instead of jealous? That another guy saw you in your underwear... Yeah, maybe you guys need to talk about your relationship a little bit

This sounds like an introduction of a **** movie. Where the "boyfriend" agrees to let's his gf hook up with a "stranger" just to prove that she's attractive. Not that I watch these kind of movies BTW. LOL

It's one thing to be a bit embarrassed when a delivery person sees your significant other in his/her underwear. But to be ashamed of your partner and claim she's really your roommate is not a good thing, and you need to have a talk with him.

Op, he doesn't deserve you. My heart is hurting for you. No woman should ever be made to feel bad by the person she's with because of how she looks. Ditch his ass and find a real man. Someone who will be proud to be seen with you. Someone who will think it's sexy as hell if the pizza man sees you in your underwear. Someone who will treat you like the queen you are.

That's disgusting of your boyfriend. Time to dump him. Anyone that's ashamed to be dating you is someone that doesn't deserve you