By Anonymous - 24/08/2013 20:37 - United States - North Bend

Today, my mother bitched me out for filing divorce papers against my abusive husband. According to her, it's a "slap in God's face". She's the one who's divorced two husbands so far because they weren't getting job promotions fast enough to support her hoarding habit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 582
You deserved it 2 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you have a legitimate reason..

Wow... Did she forget about her ridiculous divorces or something?


your mother sounds like a real joy. but good for you for getting out of an awful situation. a lot of people stay for reasons unknown. you'll find someone who deserves you for sure

An it doesn't have anything to do with family considering ALOT of people get divorces these days so it isn't just her family

Good for you to do that! No one should have to live in an abusive situation!

My bf's mother and aunts had botched relationships and blame ALL men. Then try to give other people advice. Some women are crazy, OP

Makes me wonder if this is why people stick their parents in cheap nursing homes.

your mom is just plain stupid. you deserve better than her and that asshole soon-to-be ex of yours.

That is as good as my dads comment that he was a virgin until he was 30 and so I should do the same. I then pointed out that I was born when he was 24. Parents think you were born yesterday.

friedbunnies 9

This sounds like my life exactly. Mine won't even come to my second wedding because she's still angry I left my crazy psycho ex.

Glad you're getting out OP! Too many people don't! Sorry about what your mom said, just ignore it, you don't need the extra stress and you need to take care of you right now. Good luck!