By TSampson - 11/06/2009 11:51 - United States

Today, my mom's will was read to the rest of the family. I helped my mom write it a couple years ago, and I was to get funds to pay off school loans. She revised it and put in a note saying I was to get nothing because I was "lazy." The executor read it out loud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 098
You deserved it 11 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your mom's a b*tch. piss on her grave. she didn't even have the decency to be open with you about her feelings, which could have led to a mutual understanding of each other's beliefs and values. no, instead she acted behind your back, and let your entire family know without any regard for you. that's immature, spiteful, malicious and the indications of a bad person. personally, i respect that other people's opinions on gay rights differ, and people have a right to their opinions, but the way she dealt with the difference in opinion is messed. what an awful mother.


wingedtoad 0

#65 People do not choose their sexual orientation, it's their lifestyle that they choose. You cannot help if you are attracted to another person of the same gender. However, you CAN help the way you behave due to that attraction. It is up to the individual whether they believe it's right to act on the attraction or suppress it and pretend to be heterosexual.

That's the worst thing that could happen's like 5 bad things mixed up !!

Are you sure your mom was the only person who knew? You know there's thing where people can talk to each other and share information when you're not around, right? Before you go hating your mom for eternity, I'd first assume that she told any number of people over the years about your sexual preference, and one of them decided to use that against you after she died so they could get your money. It's not like that never happens.

wow. what a great mother you had there. may her soul rest in piece, but that was a pretty nasty move of her.

God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve... YDI for being gay. Being gay is probably just a disorder in which the body is either producing too much testosterone (women) or not enough (men) just give a shot of testosterone to men they'll go straight.

ghost_light 0

"Just as he has the right to choose his sexual orientation, his mother has the right to have an opinion on it." No one chooses their sexual orientation. It is by no means a choice; you are the way you are, and there is nothing to be done about it. Don't act as though the OP had a choice whether to be gay or not, because he didn't.

That's so terrible, I am so sorry. You're a good person, and things will work out in the end :)

#65: No, people don't choose their sexual orientation. Did you choose to be straight? My guess is no. Stop being deliberately ignorant. OP: That's a really shitty situation. I hope you're able to get the closure you need and get past the betrayal, which I imagine is more painful than the money situation to cope with.

FurrTrap 0

First of all #46, Pharmacyst, I think your response is totally appalling and hateful in sentiment. TSampson, I wonder if your mother thanked you for helping her draft the Will? Not an easy document to write at the best of times and for a child to help a parent - I think it's quite an undertaking on your part. Did other members of your family help out with the Will? It's a fair assumption that your mother knew you had confided in her about being gay, why else make a point of stating this as the sole reason for disinheritance? Why mention it at all? It beggars belief. It sounds as if she was trying to deliberately shame you in front of the family without having the guts to talk to you about it first. Not very loving or understanding! She broke your trust in a truly shocking manner when you are starting out in life and needing emotional/financial support. I can only hope that the wounds will heal and that other members of your family are not being disrespectful/hateful towards you as a result of the disclosure. I also hope that finances will be forthcoming so that you can settle any educational loans. I experienced far more abuse within the family than I ever did outside of it. I severed all ties and I've never regretted it for one moment. Spend time with those who show you love and respect. Peace.

#74 is a **** too. #86 is great, because they made me laugh my arse off. A shot of testosterone and you're straight? Oh my love, if it's that easy why haven't you had the treatment yet? =D