By TSampson - 11/06/2009 11:51 - United States

Today, my mom's will was read to the rest of the family. I helped my mom write it a couple years ago, and I was to get funds to pay off school loans. She revised it and put in a note saying I was to get nothing because I was "lazy." The executor read it out loud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 101
You deserved it 11 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your mom's a b*tch. piss on her grave. she didn't even have the decency to be open with you about her feelings, which could have led to a mutual understanding of each other's beliefs and values. no, instead she acted behind your back, and let your entire family know without any regard for you. that's immature, spiteful, malicious and the indications of a bad person. personally, i respect that other people's opinions on gay rights differ, and people have a right to their opinions, but the way she dealt with the difference in opinion is messed. what an awful mother.


i'm so sorry that happened to you. i hope that you have the support of the rest of your family and friends to help you.

hecuva 0

I love how people are saying "you deserve it because you're gay" what if it was switched and his mom was gay, aswell as his entire family but they didn't accept him because he was straight? then you'd all be saying "FYL, your family sucks" I know it's completely out there, but think about it... Also if it was that situation then the story wouldn't exist, because i know that gay pepole are WAY more tollerant of others, being straight isn't the norm, or the right thing... be who you are and live how you want... those who matter don't care and those who care don't matter Good luck throught this tough time, and the rest of you can just shut up with your slanderous comments

That sucks but it is better off that her homophobic money isn't what put you through college no one in your family can hold that over your head. It just sucks she did this all through her will

Pharmacyst 0

#80 #82 #89 You are right that you can't force a person to be attracted to people they are not attracted to, and its their right to date/marry/have sex/hang out with who they want(that is what I meant by you have the right to choose your orientation). I never said the opposite. I simply said that the mom also has a right to her opinion and has a right to adjust her will. I said a few times already, but let me make it clearer, I don't believe what she did was right, but that doesn't mean she showed no love to him his entire life. Also #70 #80 #95 and #102 , do you honestly believe that the OP and his mother never had a conversation about him being gay? They were close enough that he helped her to write her own will, but she wouldn't talk to him about that? I don't buy the idea that he only found out she disapproved after she died. Yes I am guessing here, but really which scenario is more likely? There is always more than one side to every story. #95 Please read my post more carefully, I said that she has no right to completely remove the OP from inheriting anything! Don't forget that your mother carried you for nine months, bore the pain of childbirth, and supported you in life. All I'm asking is to show some respect for the deceased.

Desecrate her grave, blow a bunch of dudes . 50 dicks in his ass like the tail of a peacock.......

#103: Because there are OTHERS who think there's something wrong with being gay (see #86's pseudo-scientific bullshit, for example), and worse still, people who would try to take/keep certain things away from gay people (like the OP's mom withholding inheritance, or if you want to look at things on a broader scale, serving in the United States military). I'm neither gay nor do I serve in the military, but know someone who is both and live complicated double lives because of Don't Ask Don't Tell. I don't think it's too much to ask to be able act on your sexual orientation when you are in service to your country, as long as the former does not hinder the latter. Sorry to get a bit off-topic.

@103, look at california...prop 8...its not socially acceptable to be gay, fuckng religion...

#112 I'm glad you graduated high school (probably) without even knowing what "age" the Bible was written. Most scholars would argue that most sections of the Old Testament, like Issiah, can be tracked to the 7th or 8th century B.C. I'm glad the chip on your shoulders is such that you can not even see your own lack of education, but allow me to enlighten you from your lobotomization in this field. Since you simply wish to support your equally unfounded dogma (that morality is dictated by the acceptance of other people only), I will let you know that the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean happened many centuries before even the Old Testament was written. Greek trade with Israel/Persians increased substantially by this time and created the writing form "Linear B" as a commonly used trade language. This text is basically a word for word precursor to actual Greek and this is often referenced as the beginnings of the Iron Age throughout the area. Now that you have received a lecture from an Ivy educated graduate student, please send my check.