By Anonymous - 23/01/2010 16:14 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I refused to share a toothbrush with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 814
You deserved it 6 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would your girlfriend want you to share a toothbrush!?


She is nasty, you just don't share certain things like you toothbrush, socks or underwear. You could have just given it to her and bought another, she probably wanted to get the taste of the rimjob out of her mouth.

voveraite 7

um, what's wrong with the socks? feet aren't moist harbouring bacteria places? :-) Sure, I've yet to find a size 4.5 foot BF ^^

voveraite 7

Wait, there's a good line to use for those who don't want to share toothbrushes: "Sure you'd like to have that honey? May I remind you of the recurrent gum bleeding I suffer and my (x number of ) cavities? Well, here ya go, but I warned you..."

You would rather have her sit there with dirty teeth than let her get her cooties on your toothbrush? I would dump a moron like you also, in a heartbeat.

PentiumBawls8 0

what are toothbrushes used for....Just think about that people. In this case, I would give her my spare. I always have a spare. Problem solved.

I think your girlfriend was looking for any reason to end your relationship. Picking a fight over a toothbrush gave her the out she needed so she would feel less guilty. You might be better off it ended the way it did. Who knows what kind of maturity issues she has.

perdix 29

She was not wrong. She realized that you have some pretty prudish standards about what you put in your mouth. There was no way you were going to give her the kind of pleasure she craves. You want to get her back? Send her a video of you eating a dozen raw oysters -- really slurp 'em down. You'll be back where you left off and probably a bit further ahead -- or having to deal with a case of cholera.

FederalAgent 0

I think you're better without her

Okay she has issues and so do half the people commenting this thing. First of all useing someones toothbrush is not the same as kissing and oral sex. And Second why would you want to do that? When your asleep your mouth is open ans stuff so it colects bactiria like crazy. When you brush your teeth your bactiria get all over that toothbrush. They if someone eles uses it . Boom, INFECTION right there. thats just plain gross and repulisive. And if you brush your teeh like your supposed to . Your mouth will be clean when you kiss someone. And for oral sex.. condoms? ect? Gosh! I'm 15 and even i know this stuff!

boatkicker 4

Who uses a condom for oral sex?

Umm... no, she's probably 15 because she was born 15 years ago! But I would hope hookers would use condoms for oral sex :P Other than that, probably not too many people unless they know they're carrying something.

Actually, most health teachers etc recommend using a condom or dental dam for oral sex. Just, noone does it. The fifteen year old is probably the one among us who was most recently told this.

shalizzz 0

One of the main uses for condoms is to prevent people from getting STDs from their sex partners. Might I remind you that one can get an STD from oral sex? Unless you are in a exclusive relationship with someone and you've both got tested, it would be foolish not to use protection! Btw, I'm not 15. I'm just a 23 year old who actually gives a damn about her health! And I've yet to meet a guy who'll refuse to wear a condom if the girl he's with tells him she won't go down on him otherwise.

boatkicker 4

Alright. I hadn't taken into consideration people with multiple partners. Stupidity on my part, but the only person I've ever been with is my Fiance, and I never discuss sex with anyone else, so... yeah. Basically I was just being stupid and not thinking beyond my own very limited world.

I wouldn't share my toothbrush with anybody. I bet the level of bacteria when they brush their teeth in the morning is quite a bit higher than when they kiss on a date, with recently brushed teeth. That's just a hygiene line that some people are not willing to cross with their significant other, like being in the bathroom while the other is using the toilet, using the same straw or fork, or sharing a bath towel. Why try even harder to exchange harmful bacteria or illness? Its totally a personal preference, and its hard to have a relationship with somebody who oversteps personal bounds.

If you wash a toothbrush after using it, then then the number of bacteria that survive the toothpaste, the washing, and the sitting in the air on the counter is going to be far less than kissing, and probably less than sharing the same computer keyboard. Fine, some people have personal space issues about sharing a toothbrush. Either get over it or be ready to get dumped by normal people who don't like real live bacteria eating away at their teeth while their partner is afraid of imaginary harmful bacteria that aren't making their partner sick but are going to make them sick after they survive washing with germ killing toothpaste even though kissing somehow stops them.

Search the Internet for "titanium toothbrush." There is one on the market made by a dentist. It is made out of soft titanium bristles. One of its advantages is it supports less bacteria life than a nylon toothbrush. Makes a really unique gift, too.