By Anonymous - 23/01/2010 16:14 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I refused to share a toothbrush with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 814
You deserved it 6 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would your girlfriend want you to share a toothbrush!?


no reason to dump you, what a biiitch.

clahdupe 0


Was it that you didn't want to lend her your toothbrush, or was it that you don't brush your teeth in general with the excuse of woops I forgot my toothbrush at home, and that your girlfriend said here use mine dirtbag and you refused.

**** YOU ALL, Why the hell would you be using the same tooth brush? how is that even a possibility.. you would have to drive it to her house every day... even if you live down the street...

alexxss_fml 10

ok. kissing and brushing teeth are two very different activities. even thought you kiss and stuff with a person. it is very gross to brush your teeth with the same toothbrush. it's like wiping your ass after a major shit, and handing it to the next person. to me it's gross and unsanitary. soooooooo GET YO OWN DAMN TOOTHBRUSH WOMAN!!!!!!!!!

good. that's pretty gross. ur chewed up food all around her mouth twice a day? no thanks

kosherkraut 5

Geez ass hole. I don't blame her.