By susan - 17/11/2012 22:31 - United States - Naperville

Today, my daughter had a meltdown when I told her I donated some of her old toys to Goodwill. It turns out Toy Story has taught her that toys have feelings and that she has a meaningful relationship with them. She's in her teens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 887
You deserved it 27 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quick! Go retrieve them, they will be eternally grateful.

Toys are memories. You should have at least talked to her about it first.


Even if what she thinks is irrational, YDI for giving away her toys without talking to her first. I'm 25 and still have my favorite stuffed animals/toys and sleep with them.

They were her toys, not yours. You don't know what they meant to her. Go buy them back or something.

perdix 29

See how you like it if she gets rid of your toys. You'll have a meltdown when you realize you're going to have to rely on your husband to pleasure you. Maybe you can get his fat ass off the couch, but he certainly can't vibrate at 60 hertz ;)

Unlike those above me, I picked up on your Toy Story quote. ^_^

I'm undecided if this is a FYL or a YDI. I'm really attached to some of my toys from when I was a kid and if my mom gave them away I'd be so sad and upset. I do have a "relationship" with them if you want to call it that but it's kinda like a bond with them ya know?

I agree with your daughter. Some toys just can't be thrown away

heartemopants 18

*gasp* do you mean to tell me Disney has it all wrong?! Toys are really just inanimate objects?! Does this mean they also lied about mermaids too? And I should stop looking for my magic genie!? Everything I've been working towards... My whole life... Just lost all meaning. X_X

perdix 29

#124, and you have my pity . . . that so few people spotted this great quote.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Sounds like a "Plug-In Baby". A Plug-In Baby is something soulless that you give meaning to; such as a child's teddy bear - or a guitarists' guitar. You shouldn't try to degrade her by saying "She's in her teens", everyone holds something of little value to be precious. From wedding rings to a memento of a lost one.

so that's what the muse song's about. gosh, you learn something new everyday! :P