By susan - 17/11/2012 22:31 - United States - Naperville

Today, my daughter had a meltdown when I told her I donated some of her old toys to Goodwill. It turns out Toy Story has taught her that toys have feelings and that she has a meaningful relationship with them. She's in her teens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 887
You deserved it 27 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quick! Go retrieve them, they will be eternally grateful.

Toys are memories. You should have at least talked to her about it first.


At least it wasn't to a daycare where the toys would be abused by toddlers.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

F YOUR life? Man, if my mom hadn't thrown away all of my toys... :'c Go find them, bring back as many as you can, say SORRY, and never do it again. Then you'll be forgiven.

You need to understand that you're making your child to feel completely powerless in your domain. Would you come into your friends' house and give away their things without asking them first? Then why is it different with your daughter? You're sending a message "I paid for everything you own, and I can take it away whenever I feel like it, and I don't need to know what you think about it. This is my house and my rules, you own nothing, and everything you think you have belongs to me." On the positive side, you're probably pushing your child a little closer to the thought of becoming independent and leaving your house for good, so she can have her own things.

I remember being pissed of when my mom decided to throw my Pokémon cards in the trash.. They are simply not your toys to give away now are they?! In her teens or not she put meaning to her toys and you should not have decided to het rid of them behind her back.

No. Not in the least. You probably have stuff from way back that you gave à name and feelings.. This is not like that.

Disney has been playing all 3 movies. I still love them.

To me, in my teens, my toys were the only ones that loved me. When I cried, I would take them. My mom thought loving someone means changing them to what you like, wich includes trowing away childish things and dressing them up to how you would like to see them. She doesn't give a damn about what I like and I always have to hide things I care about, because if I care about them and she knows and she disapproves, they will dissepear (never admitting she does it). You sound like her, not completely because you didn't know she liked them, but you still feel like she should be over the toys because they are childish and she is a teen.

As so many have pointed out, toys are more than things. They are memories. And more so, they are HERS, not yours. Though I admit that people sometimes value objects to high, is is still her choice to make whether she wants to keep them or not. I've donated tons of my old toys to Goodwill, but I still have a few more valued things in a "memory"-box in the attic. I have no regrets whatsoever for giving them up, but that is probably because it was my decision and I did it without being forced. If she however actually believes Toy Story is reality and that they all have feelings, yeah, you might want to get her checked out. But I have an easier time believing that it was simply metaphor and she was just upset, since you practically stole her things.

i'm 21 and i still have a collection of toys people know not to throw out- my teddy bear iv had since i was 2 a clown my grandma knitted me a dinosaur my nan gave me a kitten my mum gave me a toy puppy my dad bought me right before my parents split every toy is a seperate memory and it hurts when people dont take them seriously

Abelle243 5