By susan - 17/11/2012 22:31 - United States - Naperville

Today, my daughter had a meltdown when I told her I donated some of her old toys to Goodwill. It turns out Toy Story has taught her that toys have feelings and that she has a meaningful relationship with them. She's in her teens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 887
You deserved it 27 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quick! Go retrieve them, they will be eternally grateful.

Toys are memories. You should have at least talked to her about it first.


No. This is nothing like that time...

perdix 29

Damn you! Now you reminded me of Jesse the Yodeling Cowgirl and "When She Loved Me." Gettin' a little choked up over here! I thought that after that movie and song came out, no one would ever throw a doll away again.

I still have my Jesse doll from when I was young- I don't want to give her away and have her sing sad songs about me! :(

KingCeltic77 18

Strange because I'm watching the movie right now. But whenever I see it I feel bad for not playing with my toys.

This could be the start of another movie..

I've already read this fml somewhere before...

Did you ask her first? Because if not that was an incredibly rude thing to do.

carminecris89 13

While your daughter is definitely no genius, you should have asked. It's wrong to just sell her stuff without her permission. No one else's stuff is yours to give away.