By susan - 17/11/2012 22:31 - United States - Naperville

Today, my daughter had a meltdown when I told her I donated some of her old toys to Goodwill. It turns out Toy Story has taught her that toys have feelings and that she has a meaningful relationship with them. She's in her teens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 887
You deserved it 27 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quick! Go retrieve them, they will be eternally grateful.

Toys are memories. You should have at least talked to her about it first.


I guess she never saw the third one when Andy moves on and gives his toys away to a little girl to enjoy them all over again...

Andy made that choice on his own, rather then having that choice made for him.

Attachment causes pain. This is a basic principal in Buddhism. It does not mean attachment is bad. But if you recognize that anything you are attached to will eventually cause you pain when you lose it, sometimes it helps put things in perspective. I had one doll I was extremely attached to. My grandmother gave it to me before she died. After the doll was destroyed in a fire, I started thinking on things. Turns out, it wasn't the doll I was attached to as much as the fading memory of my grandmother. I was very young when she died. I started talking to my mom about her more, and now I hold onto memories more then objects. Yes, I have things I really like and I would be sad if I lost. But understanding that it is what they represent to me, whether comfort or memories helps me through when it is time to part with the object and the sadness only lasts for a few hours.

Are you serious people? It's not OCD or anything. I myself have a big collection of Toy Story toys and I'm 18 tomorrow. Maybe we just don't want to get rid of the child inside of us. You all will regret getting rid of your memories. Don't ever touch any kid's toys without consultation.

gmc_blossom 21

84- How do you pandas keep getting access to the Internet?

stewpididiot 11

So , let's just chuck out some of your most prized possessions, without regard..... Yeah.. **** it !! Short story.. You FAIL as a parent!! Especially as a mother . **** You !

What gives you the right to touch HER toys?! Even if you're the one that bought them they're still hers. You should've asked but at this point you should also make sure she doesn't have some hoarding or psychological problems because it's not normal to have relationships with inanimate objects.

I think, you may be very affectionate about your daughter. That's why you felt like that

GhostDuck 30

Regardless of whether or not her toys were alive to her, they're her personal property and you don't have the right to give her belongings away; i literally just had this argument with my younger brother. -.-'

fatjacks 8

This is horrible! I'm 19 years old and I still sleep with the same old raggedy stuffed cat that I've had since childhood. I'd be absolutely devastated if my mother decided to get rid of her. YDI! You shouldn't give away anything that isn't yours.

strangeite 4

It's definitely possible to have meaningful relationships with toys. I've had my teddy bear since before my first birthday, and I have him with me now in college. Maybe it was time that some of those toys go, but you should have consulted with her first