By susan - 17/11/2012 22:31 - United States - Naperville

Today, my daughter had a meltdown when I told her I donated some of her old toys to Goodwill. It turns out Toy Story has taught her that toys have feelings and that she has a meaningful relationship with them. She's in her teens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 887
You deserved it 27 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quick! Go retrieve them, they will be eternally grateful.

Toys are memories. You should have at least talked to her about it first.


So. My sister pulled that bs on me when I was in my early teens. Donated all my action figures and toys including my fav the original power ranger, Zach the black ranger, broken arms and all. I was mad for years about it too. Next time, Ask First. It's just common courtesy. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a kid, we're all growing up too fast these days anyway.

I would kill my parents if they did that to me, and I'm 26. I love all my toys and I'll admit i cried at the end of toy story e

Childhood toys are irreplaceable, I can understand her sadness toasted losing them, but thinking the toys have feelings is a bit much

perdix 29

Don't get me started on what I said to my mom when she donated my Real Doll to the Salvation Army!

perdix 29

Turns out it was a rough day for my mom. Besides the rebuke from me, she managed to get those nice people at the Salvation Army to drop the F-bomb on her.

ellytoad 13

I have to know what you said!

doglover100 28

I'm sure some toys had meaning.

I feel the same way she does . I'm 17 .

Oh man I'd be upset too if my parents threw my old toys away and I'm in my twenties. But I've gotten rid of most of the ones I'm not attached to. Most of the ones I like moved out with me though.

Let's see her donate your no longer used jewelry to Goodwill, and you'll know how she feels

14 here, and I would be mad if my teddies got donated to the Goodwill down the street, though I certainly don't play with them anymore like when I did as a youngster. Not to say that parents are all to blame for this kind of thing, but OP should spend some time with her daughter instead of bitching about her here. On second thought, OP sounds very much like an asshole who's not very considerate of her own daughter's feelings. YDI.