By kj1 - 17/02/2014 18:28 - United States - Draper

Today, my boyfriend yelled at me from the other room for washing the dishes "too loudly". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 261
You deserved it 6 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He can get off his lazy ass and do them himself!

Sammi0116 17

Is there any quiet way to wash dishes?


bitch should stop slamming dishes around

My husband would do the same. I have to be quiet when doing chores around the house or it annoys him.

Helldemon 32

Why exactly is he your husband again?

If he gets upset because you make too much noise while doing the chores, he can do them himself or he can get his lazy ass out of the house while you clean it.

That is when I would tell him to show you how to wash them quietly everyday for the rest of your lives... Or you can find a boyfriend that isn't a complete douche bag that won't take you for granted. Either choice is good, so win-win. I NEVER let my wife say things like that to me.

plot twist: the boyfriend called to her in a manner so she could hear, due to the clinking of plates distracting him from studying. or else hes just an ass.

Well then, quietly smack him over the head with a plate. Should clear things right up :)

travlalatrav 4
flame5768 14

oh someone yelled! quick call the police! the swat too! my god this is worse than 9/11! god save us!

lifeindafastlane 1