By kj1 - 17/02/2014 18:28 - United States - Draper

Today, my boyfriend yelled at me from the other room for washing the dishes "too loudly". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 261
You deserved it 6 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He can get off his lazy ass and do them himself!

Sammi0116 17

Is there any quiet way to wash dishes?


Your boyfriend doesn't sound like a very good guy...

Obviously he already had the TV volume on full and still can't hear the talking over your racket. Just kidding lol, what an arsehole. Maybe if he wasn't so lazy he could save up some money for a nice quiet dishwasher and then he wouldn't have this problem. If someone is washing dishes and I am trying to listen to something I usually offer to do them instead (after I am done), that way its win win.

Tell him that if he doesn't like the way you do them to either do them himself or GTF over it.

You need to leave this guy...He needs to respect you..and above all he should appreciate what you do. :)

I had a similar situation before, I'd be putting the dishes away/cleaning dishes and my family would be in the other room watching something on TV and ask me to be quiet cause they could hear the TV. I'm like, "how quietly do dishes?" I think I waited to do the dishes later, I can't remember exactly.

I would have washed them even louder.

Turn the water all the way up and sing loudly and then smash the plates onto the floor. Why the hell are you doing the dishes and not him?

grritsshay 18

Tell his ass to get up and do them then!