By kj1 - 17/02/2014 18:28 - United States - Draper

Today, my boyfriend yelled at me from the other room for washing the dishes "too loudly". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 261
You deserved it 6 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He can get off his lazy ass and do them himself!

Sammi0116 17

Is there any quiet way to wash dishes?


squarecircles 13

"Oh I'm sorry, hunny. Why don't you just come and show me how it's done 'cause I forgot. "

I would tell him right then and there to do them himself.

jaellin 18

On one hand...he's an ass. On the same hand...he's YOUR boyfriend. I am always annoyed by fmls about "my husband," "my boyfriend," etc. Who, exactly, is forcing you to stay with these dipsticks?

flame5768 14

wow you guys are dicks. someone can't be yelled at without you guys saying "smash a plate on his head"? you people need to learn to stop being so over dramatic. i hate this site.

Break the dishes and see how noisy that is. FYL.

Tell that mofo to do the dishes himself then!

Some people do dishes really loudly, but it's never okay to complain when someone is doing the dishes, unless they are breaking them all, or something really extreme. If the noise is bothering him, he should go to another room, or put headphones on. Sometimes you may date someone who has no manners. Sometimes they can be trained. Sometimes it is easier just to dump them.

well, now did it sound like you were doing dishes, or did it sound like you had made a drum set out of pots and pans? because if the latter, YDI.