By mrricecakes - 23/03/2012 05:55 - United States - Gilbert

Today, I went down on my girlfriend for the first time. Let's just say pubes and toilet paper residue were the least of my problems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 393
You deserved it 5 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have used charmen toilet paper, no little white pieces left behind

frozenfreeze 5

They were the least of your problems?...Were there dragons and dead rats down there too?


I had lost my ring once if you find it in there let me know please :)

Well... Pubes are one thing. Toilet paper is a whole other issue.

"a whole another tissue". Bad pun, I know.

I feel a bit qweezy... I'm so sorry. Bot all of us girls are like that, I promise.

RedPillSucks 31

That's when you put some listerine in your mouth and continued on, right?

justlikeme79 9

Holy goddamn shit OW, motherf*cker.

KM96 24

Do guys expect girls to shave / get waxed every time ?? OP sorry about the 'dirty situation'.

Personally? Shaved/waxed every time, no. At least trimmed and free of urine residue and toilet paper, yes. Could you please elaborate as to why that would be an unreasonable request?

it seems like most guys expect their girlfriends to be perfectly smooth all the time, meanwhile their shit is hairy as all hell. before men complain about how their girlfriends haven't shaved in a week they should think about the fact that they haven't trimmed their bush in months

KM96 24

198 I wasn't saying that it wasn't unreasonable I was just asking - and yes true it would be expected that there wouldn't be any toilet paper or urine residue - that is definitely not unreasonable to ask!

JMichael 25

In the words of Cleveland "that's nasty."

Turn the tables on her, it's only fair. Don't shower for a few days. Or better yet, good ol' ATM...

Welcome to the hall of redwings. Over there is the new arrivals secrion. Complimentary toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouth wash available. The kitchen is also serving beer, hard alcohol, and strongly flavored foods.