By StillTooYoung - 20/01/2013 13:13 - United States - Louisville

Today, I was discussing with my husband how it was time I stopped taking birth control so we could have a baby. He looked at me and said sincerely, "We're a little young to be having kids, don't you think?". He's 35 and I'm 32. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 751
You deserved it 5 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

imagineapc 11

Sounds like your husband doesn't wants kids. Don't pull the goalie on him, he'll resent you.


I'm 36, and still too young lol. Guess I'm missing the mommy gene

I'm 28 and would have to overcome my pathological disgust of babies and toddlers in order to be old enough. Guess that makes two of us.

Luckily the body's chemistry and psychology give you a leave pass on the revulsion for your own. You can be doing loads of nappy changes for your own kid, barely thinking about it. Then you get handed your friend's kid to change and the revulsion ramps right back up.

xsarax_fml 10

Eh I kinda agree with him...Enjoy life and do everything you've always wanted to do before having that kind of responsibility... well at least that's my plan! :)

There is such a thing as too young though lol when I turn 21, my mom won't even be 40 -.-

Ease him into the idea, don't force it. Or Just refuse to have sex until he agrees to make babies (;

You are a special kind of loathsome and I really hope you're not married, and I pity the poor bastard who does marry you. Relationships don't work like that.

4- what are you talking about... People are having children later than ever these days.

I voted YDI for considering your husband's feelings an FML. He's not ready for whatever reason, and I would think you'd know that if you were communicating effectively throughout your marriage. Feeling like he's too young could mean any number of things. He may not feel financially capable, or there may be things he wants to do that are a lot more feasible without children. Better to have the discussion before going off birth control, but I think you should have asked him if he was ready instead of just telling him "it's time".

How long do growing up women have to put up with "boys" who can't kick themselves out of the teen zone?

Not wanting kids doesn't mean he's stuck in the "teen zone." Wanting/having children does not make someone mentally or emotionally mature.

79- couldn't agree more. I even know of some girls that want to have kids just because they want to be a house wife, and thus "opt out" of the hard parts of life, like college and employment. So yeah, maturity is independent of wanting kids, but in this case the husband IS immature, because he needs to/should've told his wife earlier that he doesn't want kids, rather than make such a lame excuse.

I agree that he should be honest about his real reasons for not wanting kids. It baffles me that as a married couple they wouldn't have talked about this in depth before.

Yeah. You're forgetting women basically can't/shouldn't have babies once they're like 40.

upallnight11 19

He's not ready. I find his honesty refreshing.

Satoaoi 13

you might wanna rethink your marriage then. find someone who does want the same thing you do before your to the point where you can't even have kids anymore. either that or I need to have a serious talk about it.