By wellthisisbad - 29/02/2016 12:27 - United States - Boynton Beach

Today, I learned that not only am I pregnant, I'm too far along for an abortion. My husband and I originally bonded over the fact that we both hate children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 694
You deserved it 29 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaptainHonor 15

Adoption. Then get yourselves fixed so you don't have another accident.


You can always give it up for adoption. There are plenty of people who cannot have children that would love to take it.

Let's say it together, "Birth Control."

*Facepalm*. Let's say it together "Nothing is 100%."

Talis99 26

Let's everyone with sense respond: They can fail

Yes, birth control, like the depo shot right? I am on the shot and I use condoms so there is no way I can ever get pregnant right? Except that I am 3 months pregnant despite using birth control, nimrod.

I'll be the ninth person to suggest adoption. Person A has a kid they don't want, Person B wants a kid but doesn't have one. I wonder what we should do? Being adopted has never affected me, aside from most likely giving me a better life. Do adoption. Everyone involved will be happier. It still sucks that you got pregnant when you don't want kids.

Same. I found out I was adopted when I was five, and it's never been a big deal to me. I've been raised well and loved by a family who treats me as if I was their own flesh and blood, and most of the time I don't even think about the fact that I'm not.

zeffra13 31

I'm assuming you have an IUD or something, which is why you didn't worry over missed periods. Apparently mild pregnancy symptoms or assumed you had the flu? This is why they say to take regular pregnancy tests when on a control method that involves missed periods, even though it's supposed to be highly unlikely to get pregnant. Sorry you have to take it to term, OP, and have to deal with all the people saying you'll change your mind when it's born.

I've been on both the shot and the mirena and I've never been told to regularly check for pregnancy..

I'm on the shot and was never told that, but at the same time they do a pregnancy test every 3 months when I go in for another, so they probably figure they'd catch it anyway.

I do a pregnancy test every 3 months when I get my depo shot. That's how found out I was pregnant.

To the people saying she should have got her tubes tied, you don't understand how difficult it is for a doctor to agree when you are young. I have two friends that have gone to multiple doctors that refuse to do the procedure, even though, they have been 100% against children since they could remember. If you are young, the simple fact is that doctors rarely agree to do the procedure.

Some people are so uninformed and things it's super easy to get that sort of thing done, also that no matter how many precautions you take (aside from abstinence) that mistakes can happen. :/

LavenderCrow 12

THANK YOU. I was going to make this comment as well. I'm 21, don't want kids ever. I can't find a single doctor in my state that will allow me to get my tubes tied because I might change my mind or I'm not old enough to make that decision. So, I'm old enough to decide to have a child, but not if I don't want one. K. Vasectomies also aren't usually covered by insurance, so if they didn't have the money to afford a vasectomy then what in the world makes people think they could afford a kid?

Talis99 26

Not that I think you should...BUT look into the laws in your area about abandoning young infants in the care of police or fire stations. They'll get the baby the care it needs and you can't be held liable. But do research because there are stipulations. I wish you wanted to keep your child, but it's not for everyone.

She doesn't need to abandon the child, just put him/her up for adoption.

Maybe you shouldn't have kids either #48 if your first suggestion to someone who is pregnant but doesn't want the child is to look up laws about abandoning it on someone's doorstep instead of giving it up to an adoption agency.

uhm... have you two never heard of safe haven laws? What do you think happens to babies who are turned over to fire/police stations? The mother of an unwanted baby under a certain age can anonymously turn the baby over to a fire/police station, hospital, and even some churches. The baby will be taken care of medically and put up for adoption. It's pretty much the same thing as using an agency, but this was it's 100% anonymous and there is no paperwork for the biological mother. Educate yourselves.

#138 Quite educated on the matter thank you. Safe haven laws are for women who feel they have absolutely no other option. It should been seen as a last resort, not a standard option for anyone who has an unwanted baby. By organising beforehand the child could go to a new home straight away rather than be stuck in the system while they sort everything out. Having dealt with adoptions and a baby who was left, it's far better for the parent and the baby to sort it out beforehand.

Coming from a pro-choice feminist, You should have taken more preventative measures to prevent this if you both hate children.

As a pro-choice feminist, you should know that any preventative measures can fail.

I must have missed the part where they explained what forms of contraception they used. That, or people are making completely baseless assumptions on what they are using and them judging them for it.

I'm pro-life and even I understand that birth control fails on occasion and that most doctors won't sterilize a young person. Hopefully the baby will go to a family who does want him or her and OP is able to live out the rest of her days child free and happy and devoid of judgemental people like you.

There's nothing wrong with not wanting kids. Give the child up for adoption and then make your doctor tie your tubes. If you can't get anyone to do it then maybe include a pregnancy test in your routine every month or two so that you can catch it in time if it ever happens again.

How do you go so far along without noticing you're pregnant? I would assume you would notice some changes.

For not wanting kids you'd think the symptoms of pregnancy would be startling for you, like the lack of a period.

askullnamedbilly 33

You can still experience bleeding even when you're pregnant, and not everyone has regular periods to begin with.