By wellthisisbad - 29/02/2016 12:27 - United States - Boynton Beach

Today, I learned that not only am I pregnant, I'm too far along for an abortion. My husband and I originally bonded over the fact that we both hate children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 694
You deserved it 29 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaptainHonor 15

Adoption. Then get yourselves fixed so you don't have another accident.


Damn the worst of luck! But since you're already too far for an abortion, don't keep the kid. It doesn't deserve a shitty ass life because neither of you want it. And i don't wanna hear none of that "we'll step up and keep it" bullshit because you know you won't. Adoption is your only choice.

I agree with putting baby up for adoption or even considering the safe haven laws of your area. However, be aware that you may well change your mind when you see your baby for the first time. Not everyone does, but it is a huge possibility. My boyfriend and I bonded and such over the fact that neither of us wanted kids. When we found out I was pregnant, we went for an abortion, only to be told (and shown!) that there were two little heartbeats. We ultimately decided against termination, and we did end up losing one baby (vanishing twin syndrome) about 14 weeks in, but when the other baby was born, we were happy, and now can't imagine life without him. Point is, consider all your options.

Safe haven is a last resort, it should only be used if the mother feels she has no other option.

Now you will bond over the fact you have a child. At least there is adoption

Good! Abortion is wrong. If you don't want children, take the proper precautions to not become pregnant

Comment removed because the one above it was too.

Whatever you do, just remember it's not your spawns fault. Having kids is hard work and not everyone is cut out for it. I imagine you may face pressure from family and friends making adoption awkward, but I don't know your situation taking me back to the first line. I never wanted kids, fell pregnant, changed life around to accommodate the situation then they died in my stomach and my life was a mess for three years till I fell pregnant with my son now 5. The hormones and experience of miscarriage changed my mind. I'm pro choice for others, but not myself. But if I ever see two lines on a stick again - I'm going to have a serious dilemma. I feel for you, but I feel for the kid more.

Would you like it if OP told you you were "lucky" to be infertile because they wish they could be? Other peoples' life-derailing problems aren't about you and your personal problems, and it's not a contest.

brocho 26

I understand that sometimes unwanted pregnancies do happen even when you've done everything you can, but 9 times out of 10, it was because you really didn't do everything you could to prevent it. Even if you can't get your tubes tied, it is highly unlikely that you will become pregnant if you use the correct protection the correct way. My mother, as well as other family members, never even had a pregnancy scare when using the pill correctly. However, as soon as my mother decided she wanted to have me, and got off of the pills, she immediately became pregnant, so it wasn't a fertility issue. She and my dad had been married for 11 years and dated 12 years prior to their decision to have me. I am aware that yes, nothing is 100%, but unplanned pregnancies in which many measures to prevent the pregnancy in the first place were taken are extremely rare. Oh, and you have to take the pill every day for quite a while, not just every time you have sex.

YDI, you'd think you'd be more careful if you both hated children.

Trust me, because I was there. And your own kid does feel different. Now I can't say no to my son.

Might wanna close the comments. A shit-storm of offendeds is a-brewin'.