By wellthisisbad - 29/02/2016 12:27 - United States - Boynton Beach

Today, I learned that not only am I pregnant, I'm too far along for an abortion. My husband and I originally bonded over the fact that we both hate children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 694
You deserved it 29 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaptainHonor 15

Adoption. Then get yourselves fixed so you don't have another accident.


You can get an abortion at any time though.... You can get one in the third trimester, in which you should easily know you are pregnant

No you can't. A baby is viable after 24 weeks, so if the baby is induced then it has a chance to survive outside the womb. They will only do that in the third trimester if the mothers life is at risk.

You can have an abortion until 20 weeks here in the UK. After that the baby is fully formed and able to survive outside the womb and is considered a 'baby' rather than a 'fetus'

It's illegal in the U.S. to get an abortion after the first trimester

Depends where you live. I don't think there's any specific legislation on it in Canada, I think there are doctors who will perform abortions even in the last trimester.

Bapbap, most doctors aren't trained in late-stage abortions. As of writing this in the United States there are only 4 or 5 that can and will do it. Additional food for thought: these doctors are hounded and threatened and a few have even been killed for doing these abortions. There are some interesting documentaries on the subject.

If you don't want the child, give them up for adoption. Then get your tubes tied and practice safe sex, so you two won't have anymore unplanned pregnancies.

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

Idk why people are saying "YDI". Nothing can prevent pregnancy 100%, even in combination with another form of protection. Anyway, there are plenty of nice couples who can't have their own children and would be happy to adopt your baby.

I don't blame you OP for not wanting kids. I hate them too. They're annoying, loud, filthy, needy, messy, and a huge financial burden. I never want that. Ever.

Then don't be an idiot like OP and have unprotected sex.

Oh don't worry I never do. Don't want to risk it. But even still nothing is 100%. Condoms and other contraceptive methods are cheaper than abortions so they're the cheaper choice but either of those are cheaper than raising a little parasite. I don't even want to think about how much it costs to raise a kid. Thousands and thousands a year. I would't be surprised if it's that much. Then you can say goodbye to any me time. They're so needy and constantly want attention or need you to do something. It's like no leave me alone daddy doesn't want to be bothered. Crying in the middle of the night waking you up when you have work in the morning. I've slept in houses with small children and it's always so annoying. They wake up way too early and are way too loud. I hate it when they check if you're awake or not. I'm awake when I get out of bed, you don't need to come into the room to see.

I absolutely agree with you. Most of the people I know are shocked that I don't want kids and are constantly trying to change my mind about it (even though I'm only 21). It's so damn annoying. I get judged for never having wanted kids. And in reply to #9 (I think), all contraceptive methods fail, and women have different symptoms, or even none at all, during the first trimester

I'm 22 and don't think i'll ever want that kind of financial burden or annoyance. Kids are just so... needy. Like I have 2 brothers. I'd be ok with being an uncle as long as I don't take the kid home at the end of the day. Show up for a birthday and visit them and stuff but I can leave if I want to. If you're a parent you can't get away. You will never be alone for too long.

I have a two year old boy and I'm pregnant with my second baby. My son is very independent and most of the time won't accept help when doing simple task and yes children r messy but they can be taught to clean up after themselves and most children sleep through the night after a certain age (unless they have a bad dream) and they don't cost no more then u do once they're out of diapers

GloUp_fml 18

As an adopted child myself, I'd agree with everyone that says adoption. I can't imagine being with my parents who didn't want me. Do what's right, OP.

Who the hell hates kids? I used to be just like you. Always made an excuse to not have kids. But one day the same thing happened to me. Too far past for an abortion and the next thing you know I was cutting that umbilical cord and I'm super daddy. There's nothing I wouldn't do for my daughter (she's 7 now). She has made me who I am today. My business has more than tripled, my social life is so much better now. I tear up thinking if anything were to happen to her. That little girl defines me. Perhaps it will affect you the same way. Don't go into this with regret and hatred we don't need another kid like you in this world. Show it love, compassion, benefit of the doubt. It'll make you a better person as well as your relationship with your sex partner. Without kids that's all he/she is

Don't put the kid up for adoption 9 times out of 10 that kid will grow up with regret and abandonment issues. Her step dad will have to be pulling her off the gold pole at 18

writergirl1029 17

Wow. What a piece of shit generalisation.

Well, aren't you a heartless bitch? "Woe is me! It's too late to murder my baby!"

...It's not murder until the kid is born, sweetie.

Oh please. Abortion isn't murder, no more than a tumour is murder. Under 24 weeks a foetus is NOT a baby. It's a group of cells. Keep your preachy anti-choice bullshit away from here.

Okay, tubal ligation without children is hard to get. I have a baby (emergency c-section) and the doctor wouldn't perform one. Also, I didn't notice I was pregnant until I was 2.5 months. I didn't get regular periods, no weight gain, and the other symptoms were normal for my rare periods. FYL, OP.

AtomicLondon 8

I am going to agree with #36 in assuming you were probably using a birth control method that eliminates periods. That being said, I am truly sorry for your plight. I don't understand why people get their knickers in a twist when someone says they don't want children. That is Your decision. Whether you keep the child, or give it up for adoption, you need to do what you feel is best for you and that kid. If you don't feel as if you'd be a good parent, you owe it to the both of you to consider giving it to someone who truly wants it. Best of luck, OP