By wellthisisbad - 29/02/2016 12:27 - United States - Boynton Beach

Today, I learned that not only am I pregnant, I'm too far along for an abortion. My husband and I originally bonded over the fact that we both hate children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 694
You deserved it 29 477

Same thing different taste

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CaptainHonor 15

Adoption. Then get yourselves fixed so you don't have another accident.


kandyapple007 2

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Not everyone is like you, and it's their body, their choice. Im sorry you have problems with fertility, but neither is that op's problem. They feel the same way about being pregnant as YOU feel not being pregnant... And it's not always a straight forward answer when it comes to these situations. Gotta love people like you who sit around trying to make other feel bad for things they cant control (..your fertility problems)...

These types of comments are so ridiculous. It's sad that you can't have a baby and that you want to. It's also sad that OP is having a baby and doesn't want to. No need to play the who has it worst game.

#98 Totally agree. I HATE people like this. If this gal loved kids THAT much she would adopt one and quit moping about it. Adopted kids are no different than biological ones.

#228 "if this gal loved kids THAT much she would adopt one".... Um. You do understand what a long process an adoption is...correct? You do understand how much money an adoption costs...correct? You do realize you can't just walk into a place because you want a kid and have them just give you one...correct? It's HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars. Some people go through this process over and over again for a freaking decade.

This is super ignorant. Just because it's something you want doesn't mean you need to be condescending and act like her choice is wrong just because it's different than yours. I would love to have a kid too, and will probably adopt but my not being able to have my own kids has nothing to do with another woman having an unplanned pregnancy. We all have our own lives and decisions.

That has to be somewhat devastating. i am sorry OP for the situation you are in, I do hope you both have a talk about your realistic options, adoption or keeping it. Whatever ends up happening, you have to do what's best for this child, it's not this child's fault it was brought into this world, so do what's best for it. :) you are both adults and Im sure this baby either way will go into the right hands. Congrats none the less.

To all the people saying YDI, I'm going to be the 73rd person to say no birth control method is 100÷. I repeat. NO BIRTH CONTROL METHOD IS 100÷. Except abstinence of course but since OP is married, the chances of that are slim to none. I do want children eventually - but not right now. I need to be more financially stable before that happens. I have the Nexplanon implant (no periods ever) and my sexual partner always wears a condom. I still ended up pregnant. Since I don't get periods, I didn't know until I was around 17 weeks pregnant that birth control had failed (and even then my only symptom was a slightly bigger tummy) I had an abortion because that was an option at the time. I am all too familiar with OP's situation. It is most probably not her fault (although if her or her partner didn't double up then they deserve it). Oh and by the way? Here in the UK, doctors won't sterilise women of 'child rearing age' unless they have to for medical reasons or they already have 'enough children'. Whatever the hell that means.

I once knew someone who had 3 kids and the doctor still wouldn't do it because she was "too young". Wound up having a 4th and giving it up.

For people asking how could she not know she was pregnant, some women have irregular periods so it's not unusual to go for 6 months without a period. Some types of birth control will cause irregular periods or stop them all together and their fertility could return unexpectedly. Regarding other symptoms, if someone is not expecting to be pregnant (using an IUD for birth control for example), they can pass off pregnancy symptoms as something else. And some lucky women have little or no symptoms. As for size, if a person is on the larger size, it can be easy to hide the first 20 weeks, but super fit people can also hide a pregnancy as well. Look up Sarah Stage. She hardly looked pregnant at 8½ months, and gave birth to a healthy 3.8kg baby.

may be messed up but you can always put the child up for adoption

Maybe you should have had your tubes tied if you hate children. Ydi

Maybe OP couldn't get her tubes tied. Many places won't unless you're a certain age or have a certain # of kids. Even if it cancer is involved.

Yea, because if she's under 30 and has no children she can just ask her doctor for one and he'll totally be okay with it... *sarcasm*

I have a friend who had two children and desperately wanted her tubes tied. The doctor refused because she was married and "maybe her husband wanted more children". She was also in the middle of a divorce at the time. So, yeah, getting your tubes tied isn't as easy as it sounds.

People say to use protection, but I know several people who got pregnant on the shot. Then they don't know they are pregnant because the shot stops periods.

Then why the hell were you having unprotected sex!? You and your husband 100% deserve this.

silmisstar 23

Where does it say they had unprotected sex?

ndnpride88 25

I'm not going to say y'all deserve it or agree your life sucks. Children are a blessing rather you want it or not. Maybe this may change your mind on how you feel about having a child. But abortion would be totally wrong in this case. It's not the babies fault to have to suffer because of your negligence. If you don't want the child adoption is by far the best option. Don't kill a baby just because you dislike kids. Just think your parents could've made that decision to you....

btracy619 23

I can't even believe that you got pregnant doing the thing that is biologically intended for producing offspring. Mind blown.

Pretty sure that sex can be more than baby making. It's also for bonding with your partner and pleasure.